Fruit Salad Lollies
Serves 8 to 12
1 can (836 or 850 grams) tropical fruit cocktail, drained
thoroughly meat of 1 young coconut, scraped into strips
1/4 cup raisins
1 box or can (250 ml) all-purpose cream
yema(recipe below)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1. In a large
mixing bowl, place fruit cocktail. Mix in the coconut strips and raisins.
2. Add all-purpose
cream and cooked yema(recipe below) and mix thoroughly. Add Parmesan cheese and
mix again.
3. Distribute cream
mixture into 5-ounce plastic cups, insert a wooden spoon, then cover
individually with pre-cut plastic wrap. Secure the rim of the cup with a rubber
band. Place all the cups on a tray and put in freezer until needed.
4. Thaw for at
least 5 minutes before serving. Push the bottom of the cup to ease out the
frozen lollipop.
Yema (Egg Custard Cream)
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup fresh milk
2 tablespoons white sugar

2 egg yolks
Place the egg yolks, fresh milk and sugar in the top bowl of
a double boiler and mix thoroughly with a whisk. Place bowl over the preheated
boiler. Keep stirring for about 3 to 5 minutes or until a creamy custard is
formed. Set aside and allow to cool to room temperature