This Christmas Day
Simple Menu Plan summarises a basic Christmas lunch we prepared one
year. It catered for 13 adults and six kids.

When I’m hosting
Christmas Day lunch at our home, I set aside time in the weeks leading
up to it for making a dedicated menu plan for the big day. Planning the
food in advance means you have time to play with. You can choose some
foods in advance and spread out the workload. If extended family are
coming over, you can also incorporate their contributions into your
plan. It could be that Granny makes the Christmas pudding and Nana
brings the brandy butter, and so on. Including relatives’ specialties in
the menu plan not only decreases your workload, but also helps to build
on Christmas traditions.
you’ve decided on your menu plan, you can allocate tasks across
preceding weeks. Table 1 shows what the cooking plan for our
Christmas Day menu looked like.
Table 1: Christmas cooking plan