Putting some food in your belly first thing
can be a key to flattening it (stoke metabolism early to burn more calories).
But too many women opt out of the morning meal. Here, four of the top excuses,
plus yummy, under 500 calorie solutions.
Banana-Nut Waffle Sundae
Slice half a banana. Toast 2 whole-grain
frozen waffles. Top with ¼ cup nonfat Greek yogurt, banana slices, and 2
tablespoons toasted walnuts.

Waffle Sundae
Makes 1 serving
Per serving:
390 Cal, 17 g fat (1.5 g sat), 49 g carbs, 480 mg sodium, 7g fiber, 17g protein
Excuse: “I
don't have time to cook. And, OK, I'd rather sleep in!"
Make packaged food more enticing with a few on-hand ingredients to craft a new,
delicious dish in minutes.
Egg in a Nest
In a pan over medium-low heat, warm 1
tablespoon oil. Place a slice of bread with a circle cut from the center in the
pan. Crack 1 egg into the hole and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, until the egg is
firm; add the cut-out bread circle to toast for the last 1 to 2 minutes.
Transfer to a plate; serve with avocado and tomato slices.

in a nest
Makes 1 serving
Per serving:
320 Cal, 23g fat (3g sat), 26g Garbs, 220 mg sodium, B g fiber, 71g protein
“When I eat so early, I seem to be hungry all morning."
Have eggs. They boost satiety while cutting back on hunger meaning you'll feel
fuller longer, according to recent research from Pennington Biomedical Research
Center in Louisiana.
Sweet & Spicy Quinoa Hash
In a skillet over medium heat, warm 1
teaspoon coconut oil. Add a pinch of red pepper flakes and ½ cup cubed sweet
potato, then sauté for about 5 minutes. Stir in 1/3 cup
chopped kale, l clove minced garlic, and a pinch of salt. Sauté until kale has
wilted, about 3 minutes. Add ½ cup cooked quinoa and heat through.

& Spicy Quinoa Hash
Makes 1 serving
Per serving:
440 Cal, 10 g fat (4.5 g sat), 71 g carbs, 210 mg sodium, 8 g fiber, 14 g
Eating first thing makes ' me feel sick."
Perhaps you're choosing the wrong foods. If typical breakfast options don't do
it for you, try a less traditional morning meal. Bonus: It's a great way to use
up some of your dinner leftovers.
Raspberry Java Smoothie
Soak 2 pitted dates in water for up to 1
hour. In a blender, combine dates, ¾ cup low-fat milk, and ½ cup frozen
raspberries; blend on high speed for 1 minute. Add 1 cup coffee ice cubes
(about ¾ cup brewed and frozen) and blend until smooth.

Java Smoothie
Makes 1 serving
Per serving:
340cal, 2g fat (1 g sat), 81 g carbs, 90 mg sodium, 8 g fiber, 9 g protein
“Coffee is breakfast."
Solution: Go
for a drinkable meal that lets you have your caffeine and eat it too. Freeze
coffee in an ice-cube tray for an ingredient that will wake up any blender