actress Ashley Madekwe has opened up on attending fashion week. Ashley reveals
that she enjoyed herself at New York Fashion Week last year and this year even
got close to Anna Wintour in London when she was allocated a seat just one
person away from the Vogue editor. She explained how thrilled she
was: “This year was my second season doing Fashion Week; I did New York
last year. I sat one person away from Anna Wintour at the Topshop Unique show,
which basically means I sat next to her in my head! I’m just going to pretend
Kendall Jenner wasn’t there. I sat next to Anna Wintour, and we’re bezzie mates
now, alright!”

admits she is currently living her dream and was so excited the first time she
arrived on the set of tv show 'Revenge' because it was suddenly her
reality: “The first time I drove myself to work on Revenge. I remember
driving to Manhattan Beach and driving onto the lot, and parking outside my
trailer – that was a ‘pinch me’ moment. It was all I’d wanted, to shoot a TV
show in Los Anges thles.”
actress also runs a successful blog and she says she unfortunately has less
time to run it lately but does her best to keep it updated: “I’m terrible
at posting regularly; I don’t deserve the blog success! At the moment, because
I’m shooting Salem, the days are so long the last thing I want to do is go
home, get ready and take pictures. So I aim for once a week, but sometimes it’s
not even always that much.”