model and Burberry face Suki Waterhouse has opened up on her personal style.
Always uniquely dressed, Suki reveals where she takes her style inspiration
from. The model says she once wore a pair of shoes she found in a dumpster and
she likes to customize her clothing. She often takes inspiration from people
she sees or even films she watches: "Style-wise, I am very much
influenced by things I come across on shopping sprees, people I see, movies I
see… I don’t feel like I ever have my style set in stone. Sometimes I love
looking super groomed, and sometimes I like to look super weird. For instance,
there’s something great about ugly shoes, there really is. I wore this old pair
of Dr. Martens for years that I found in a skip, which is like a dumpster, that
I just looooved.
I painted them—I quite like doing that."

walked at the recent Burberry catwalk show and says that those behind the label
showed her how to create her own arty pieces using the same tools they used to
create the collection. The model adds that she loves 'Boogie Nights' and mixes
that influence in to her look: "The Burberry show that I just walked
in London was all inspired by Bloomsbury art, and they’ve painted all these
sheepskin jackets in the collection. It’s awesome. I was asking them how they
do it and they showed me and gave me all the tools to try it myself. It’s like
‘70s 'Shampoo' vibes. I love that film. I’m super inspired by that
and Boogie Nights."