Although some foods have color and delicious
taste, they can easily make IQ index of children reduce.
In pregnancy, some pregnant women have the habit
of chewing gum; however, chewing gum is snack that isn’t suitable for pregnant

gum is snack that isn’t suitable for pregnant women.
In addition, gum contains additive that
prevents oxidization. If you eat over oxidized fat in a long time, these
substances will accumulate in the body and it makes some systems of catalyst in
the body be harmed. As a result, brain will develop badly or decline early.
This is the reason why gum if food that reduces IQ index of children.
Moreover, when pregnant women chew gum, air
will be swallowed into body a lot, so it will lead to flatulence and pregnant
women will feel uncomfortable.
Some pregnant women drool in pregnancy.
Science doesn’t find out the reason of this phenomenon. And, if you aren’t
lucky to become a person that drools in pregnancy, you shouldn’t chew gum because
it will make drooling state become more serious.
Fermenting soya curd
In process of fermenting soya curd, it can
easily catch microorganism and it also contains a lot of basic nitrogen that
easily evaporates. This substance can decompose protein and it is harmful for
pregnant women’s health.
Soya curd doesn’t ensure about hygiene and
safeness of food, it can contain the content of aluminum and plaster… that can
be harmful to nerve and kidney of mother as well as fetus, make IQ index of
children reduce.

curd can contain the content of aluminum and plaster… that can be harmful to
nerve and kidney of mother as well as fetus.
Therefore, pregnant women should be careful
in choosing food to ensure safeness for health.
Monosodium glutamate
Every day, we should only consume about 6
grams of monosodium glutamate. If the amount of monosodium glutamate is
absorbed too much, it will make the amount of glutamate increase and it will
limit absorption of calcium, magnesium and causes symptoms such as headache, nauseating,
palpitation or it can also cause side effects in reproductive system of people.
If pregnant women use a lot of monosodium
glutamate, it will cause state of lacking in zinc to fetus. If children are
under 1 year old use a lot of monosodium glutamate, it can cause caseation
state of brain cells and reduce IQ index of children.
Coffee contains caffeine. When the amount
of caffeine in blood is high, it can lead to the phenomenon of vasoconstriction
and excreting urine more.
Dr. Verena Sengpiel at Hospital of Sahlgrenska
University in Sweden affirms that caffeine can affect metabolism through
placenta between mother and fetus. Therefore, some important nutrients will
have difficulty in process of moving from mother to child. It will affect weight
and reduce IQ index of children.
According to researches that were published
in the world, caffeine in coffee can affect pregnancy: 25% of miscarriage cases
to pregnant women are caused by using over 200mg/day while people don’t use
coffee, this rate of miscarriage in this group is 13%.
Therefore, pregnant women need to avoid
foods that have stimulating features. Future mothers shouldn’t use this drink and
if you are addicted to this drink, you should only drink a small glass of
coffee every day.

women need to avoid foods that have stimulating features like coffee.
Dried fish
Dried fish contains the high content of
salt, so when pregnant women eat, it can increase salivary gland, make juice of
stomach weak and reduce the ability of digestion. As a result, it will cause
high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis. Moreover, it can harm blood vessel,
affect providing blood for organizations in brain. Therefore, it can cause the
state of lacking in blood and oxygen in brain cells. It can lead to declining
memory and slow reaction.
Hence, to ensure health for pregnant women
and development of fetus, pregnant women need to limit to eat dried fish in
particular and salt foods in general.