There are many reasons that can make babies
vomit: tiredness, stress, eating fully, indigestion, playing, food poisoning,
cough, having ill…
Vomiting is a normal phenomenon and it is
very popular to children in the first period of life. The reason is that in
this time, babies are gradually adjusting to smell, food, organs inside their
body are developing so that they can be in agreement with foods that they eat
every day.
When babies finish eating, they will vomit
with a little of milk (spiting). Babies will fear and cry. Their parents
shouldn’t worry too much because this thing is normal. In this case, vomiting
isn’t too dangerous, so you can follow more. You should feel secure about your
children’s health providing that they are healthy, can play and gain weight

are many reasons that lead to this state: Babies feel tired, stressed and they
eat fully, have indigestion, play, have food poisoning, cough and have ill….
However, nauseating and vomiting are signs
that are extremely unpleasant for not only adults but also children.
You need to distinguish between vomiting
and spiting up milk. Vomiting means all of foods fed to babies go out with a
big amount.
Spiting food with a little amount of food and
it is accompanied with heartburn phenomenon. This phenomenon will reduce if
babies aren’t naughty after eating. This phenomenon doesn’t prevent gaining
weight of babies.
There are many reasons that lead to this
state: Babies feel tired, stressed and they eat fully, have indigestion, play,
have food poisoning, cough and have ill….
When does vomiting become unusual?
In some first months of babies, vomiting
can be caused by problems that relate to babies’ food or they can have
indigestion. When babies meet the following signs, you shouldn’t hesitate and
should call for doctor immediately:
Babies vomit and they also have sign of losing
water: including dried mouth, dried eyes, hidden fontanel and babies urinate
less than normal.
Babies have fever over 38oC.
Refusing mother’s milk or formula milk
Vomiting regularly and vomit into spout
Feeling sleepy, crying or feeling unpleasant
Inflated fontanel, heart beat quickly
Having difficulty in breathing, convulse
Vomiting lasts in 24 hours
Vomiting with blood and green bile
Vomiting and
diarrhea can be caused by narrow pylorus, infection of urine and ears, diseases
that babies can catch.
What to do when babies vomit
When babies vomit a lot, they often have
some disease. The important thing that you should do at this time is that you
shouldn’t let babies lose water more.
Avoid letting babies eat a lot at the same
time. You should divide their meals into many ones in a day. You should feed
babies with mother’s milk, formula milk or boiled and filtered water. You
shouldn’t absolutely let babies drink fruit juice. Their menu should have more
liquid so that it can help babies digest easier.
After eating, parents should regularly clap
baby’s back.

should regularly clap baby’s back after babies eat.
Put babies in safe position and not let
them run and play at least 20 minutes after eating
After 14 hours to 24 hours, if you
recognize that their bodies are stable and they don’t vomit anymore, you can
let babies eat and drink with normal diet. And you should remember that you
should let babies drink as much water as possible.
If babies are over 12 months old, you can
let babies practice eating foods such as grain or yoghurt to digest easily.
Let babies take a rest more: Going to bed
can solve this unpleasant state to your babies.
You shouldn’t let babies take medicine to
prevent vomiting if you don’t have request of doctor.
You can process a little of ginger to improve
this unpleasant state. Until now, people cannot deny effect of ginger to
vomiting. Ginger is considered as remedy to prevent vomiting wonderfully and

can process a little of ginger for baby’s food to improve the unpleasant state.