Change is less stressful when anticipated. Keep abreast of recent
developments within your industry, familiarize yourself with new technology,
try to gain experience of as many different skills as possible, and maximize
the options available to you.
Reassessing markets
The ability to anticipate change depends on recognizing shifts in
supply and demand in the labour market. This is not easy, if only because the
advent of computers has meant that changes occur much more rapidly than in the
past. There are, however, a few key communication and computer technologies,
including the Internet and multimedia, that are widely available and drive many
other developments. Keeping abreast of changes within these technologies can
maximize job prospects and minimize stress by giving you the ability to change
with the employment market.
Understanding new technology
Computers are fundamental to 99 per cent of the world’s businesses.
But many senior managers who are responsible for purchasing hardware and
deciding how to use it have scant knowledge of how much it can do. Courses
covering all stages are available to help you improve your computer skills
– utilize them, since computer literacy is essential for employees at
all levels.
Surfing the internet
The advent of e-mail and the World Wide Web on the Internet is
rapidly changing the way we all work.