For an invigorating yet indulgent way to
prep the skin for beach, look no further than this new scrub ritual, which
harnesses the power of this most bitter Asian fruit to slough away dead skin
cells. Kaffir lime is traditionally used in herbal remedies to aid digestion
but Ushvani uses its body benefits topically. After a full consultation, my
therapist scrubs my tired skin, bringing it slowly back to life. I then use a
traditional Coconut Milk Mandi (akin to a large ladle) in a rainforest shower
to lather on warm moisturising coconut milk. What followed? Just the best deep
tissue massage I’ve ever had, focusing on my back, stomach and feet. I emereged
so relaxed I barely need the beach… Ushvani, 1 Cadogan Gardens, Knightsbridge,
SW3; ushvani.com
2. Flamenco at dance Attic
We can’t get enough of Dance Attic’s Monday
evening Flamenco classes – if only as a legitimate excuse to stamp our feet
after a stressful day. They also happen to be an excellent way of getting the
blood pumping and thus toning up for the beach. It helps that they help us to
channel our inner senorita via the throwing of seriously sultry shapes. Olé! 368
North End Road, SW3; danceattic.com

at dance Attic
3. Mani-pedi at Chelsea Day Spa
Sashaying down the King’s Road with freshly
painted nails equates to one of those rare moments of polish when we can
actually relate to Carrie Bradshaw (minus the vertiginous heels and laundry
list of dashing men we’re apt to bump in to). Refine your look with an
appositely named New York mani-pedi at Chelsea Day Spa. After having had my
cuticles prepped, and dry skin banished, the colour was applied with expert
precision. Ten days on, there was not a chip in sight, making it an excellent
pre-holiday option. 69a King’s Road, SW3; thechelseadayspa.com

at Chelsea Day Spa
4. Wax at Strip
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Sienna Miller
and La Backham are all fans of Strip – and so are we. It’s cool, it’s painless
and, best of all, it’s quick. With themed treament rooms complete with plasma
TVs, Lycon wax is the weapon of choice and an excellent choice too, with hair
breakages, ingrown hairs, redness and sting all thrown our the window. 102
Fulham Road, SW3; stripwaxbar.com

at Strip
5. Raw fairies detox diet
This meal delivery service is only for the
committed. Gourmet raw food chef Anya Ladra creates a daily menu using special
processes such as soaking, sprouting and dehydrating. The taste is, admittedly,
an acquired one but the meals are surprisingly filling and the results
incredible. From $35.1675 a day; rawfairies.com

fairies detox diet
6. Threading at Blink brow bar
As a plucking pro, threading was a natural
next step. And so to the Blink spa, at the back of the Bluebird shop.
Threading, it transpires, is not painless. However, using this Indian
technique, the beautician shaped the cleanest lines my brows have ever seen.
Enough to make us game for a little pain? Definitely.
Bluebird, King’s Road, SW3;

a plucking pro, threading was a natural next step
7. Fat Girl Slim at Bliss
When it comes to pre-holiday grooming, this
super slick bolthole is nailing it. A one-stop shop for all things body
beautifying, it’s cellulite’s most feared enemy. Plump for the FatGirlSlim
treament – a detoxifying circulation-stimulating godsend which pummels away any
wobbly bits. Beginning with dry brushing, a firming grapefruit essential oil is
then applied before the body is whipped into shape by a seaweed task mask, a
heated wrap, and finally a rubdown with the waist-whittling Love Handler. And
the best bit? The nouth-watering chocolate brownies in the lounge – totally bad
for you, but a total must.
60 Sloane Avenue, SW3; blissworld.co.uk

Girl Slim at Bliss
8. Highlights at Neville
What good is a tan without golden
highlights with which to set it off? To this end, I took my chlorine-infused,
shamefully two-tone hair to the delicious surrounds of Neville, and submitted
to the expert attentions of top hair colourist Shelley, charged with the
onerous task of imparting to my head the timely Olympic five rings of colour.
Cue slight panic (there had been mention of the word ‘silver’) but Shelley
reassures that with my naturally darker complexion, we’d be swerving more
towards warmer tones. This is the beauty of Neville; everything is tailored
exactly to the needs of each client’s hair – which is why they do so roaringly
successfully with repeat (and often celebrity) business. I emerge with a halo
of highlights which are perfectly placed and brilliantly natural-looking. Now
for the tan… 5 Pont Street, SW1X; nevillehairandbeauty.net

at Neville
9. Spray tan at George Vallossian
The debate ever rages on… to tan or not to
tan? Rather than achieve a golden glow via exposure to harsh UVA and UVB rays,
instead pop down to George Vallossian, a charming salon on Beauchamp Place for
the perfect spary tan. The team of therapists are so welcoming that any qualms
melt at the door. 16 Beautychamp Place, SW3; georgevallossian.com

tan at George Vallossian
10. BioEffect
facial at Hushh Spa
When it comes to pampering, Hushh Spa has
it down to afine art, with lashings of awards to prove it. It’s a hidden gem,
which quietly sings success from the rooftops, and rightly so.
Try the BioEffect Facial – exclusively
designed for the spa – which uses the most advanced products in skincare
science. An aqua erasure machine exfoliates the skin leaving it super smooth
before a very thorough extraction, shoulder massage and gel mask follows.
44 Pimlico Road, SW1; hushhspas.com
