Besides making individual hygiene, hygiene
for hands and feet, doing exercise and keeping body in balanced state…,
fostering body to increase resistance and immune system is very necessary thing
that can help you prevent viruses that cause diseases including bird flu.
6 following foods have good effect in
improving resistance and immune ability that you shouldn’t ignore.
1. Field mushroom

mushroom has delicious taste and is rich of nutrition.
Field is considered as “delicacy”, it is a
food that is rich of nutrition with the high content of protein and fat. Field
mushroom also contains high content of unsaturated. In addition, it contains a
big amount of ergosterol and fungisterol that can transfer into vitamin D has
good effect in increasing resistance and with disease, preventing and curing
flu. Field mushroom has delicious taste and is rich in nutrition.
2. Spinach
Leaves of spinach is soft, its color is
fresh and delicious. In addition, it is rich of vitamin C, carotene, protein,
minerals such as Fe, calcium, and phosphor. If you eat regularly, it can
improve development and growing, increase resistance. Carotene in spinach can
transform to vitamin A in body that can protect eyesight and health of skin
cells. Moreover, it also intensifies ability of preventing infected diseases.
Eating a lot of spinach in this season will have good effect.

in spinach can transform to vitamin A in body that can protect eyesight and
health of skin cells.
3. Broccoli
We can easily find broccoli in supermarket
or food stores. It is a basic element to improve immune system. According to a
research, chemical in broccoli can stimulate immune system of mouse.

is rich in nutrients; it can protect body out or attacking of diseases.
Moreover, broccoli is rich in nutrients; it
can protect body out or attacking of diseases. In addition, this kind of
vegetable contains vitamin A, vitamin C and glutathione. You can add a little
of cheese with less fat to make salad with enough vitamins A, B, C, D that can
improve immune system.
4. Bamboo sprout
Bamboo sprout is a delicious food during 4
seasons. In spring and winter, bamboo sprout is more delicious. In spring,
moisture is high and people easily catch diseases, so eating bamboo sprout can
intensify resistance because the content of vegetable protein, vitamin and
micronutrients in bamboo sprout is very high. Therefore, it can improve the
ability of preventing diseases. At present, to oppose with the risk of H7N9 flu
epidemic, you need to eat and drink well.
Although bamboo sprout has good effect, it
isn’t food that can be eaten a lot every day, especially to people that have
high blood pressure and stomachache because eating bamboo sprout can make
diseases recur.

bamboo sprout can intensify resistance because the content of vegetable
protein, vitamin and micronutrients in bamboo sprout is very high.
5. Garlic
Garlic contains some antioxidants that can
against bacteria that attack immune system including H pylori bacteria that
relates to stomach ulcer and stomach cancer. Cooking secret: After slicing, put
in about 10-154 minutes and after that begin to cook. This thing can stimulate
enzymes that can increase immune system.

contains some antioxidants that can against bacteria that attack immune system.
6. Cabbage
Cabbage is a kind of vegetable that is rich
of glutathione (has function of intensifying immune system). Moreover, it is
one of the foods that are rich of nutrition with a lot of antioxidants and
healthy vegetable vitamins. This is a kind of food that helps improve mood and
intensify immune system for the body.