Eating ripen avocado can foster people that
are ill, work beyond their ability including intellectual work and manual
labor. Avocado can be used to cure poisoning because of eating and drinking…
Avocado is a tree of tropical region in
America. It is also planted in other tropical regions. 100 grams of ripen
avocado’s pulp contains 60 grams of water, 2.08 grams of Protit, 10 grams of
lipid, 7.4 grams of carbohydrate, 1.26 gram of ash, minerals: Calcium 12mg, P
26, Fe 0,6mg, vitamin A 205mg, B1 0,05mg, C 20mg; amine acid: cysteine, tryptophan.
In addition, it also has antibacterial. In Guinness book, people wrote that
avocado is the fruit that contains a lot of nutrients. Moreover, leaves and
bark of avocado tree contain a lot of oil substance that easily evaporates (methyl
- chavicol, alpha-Pinene) flavonoid, Lanin...

is the fruit that contains a lot of nutrients.
Avocado is a nutritious fruit and it is
easy to digest. Every day, you can use ripen avocado to eat directly or process
into many different dishes such as mixing with lemon juice, adding sugar and
milk, mixing them to make cream to eat. Avocado is nutritious, it helps prevent
diseases, balance nerve system and stimulate sex. Moreover, it has effect in
preventing increasing acid in urine, making cholesterol in blood lower. Avocado
also provides less sugar than other fruits, so it is suitable with people that
have diabetes. Eating ripen avocado can foster ill people, people that work beyond
their ability including intellectual work and manual labor. Avocado can be used
to cure poisoning because of eating and drinking.

can be eaten directly or processed into many different dishes such as avocado
You need 200 grams of avocado, 50 grams of
jasmine, 30 grams of honey, pulp of avocado which is steamed, dry jasmine, and
they are pulverized. After that, mix them with honey and create pieces that are
similar to corn kernel. Every day, you will drink twice and 5 pieces/time,
drink it with boiled water. It can help nerve stable.
Or, take 300 grams of avocado, 150 grams of
yellow saffron, 50ml of honey. Take pulp of avocado steam and dry, dry yellow
saffron and pulverize it, add honey and make pieces, dry. Drink twice and 5
pieces/time every day and drink with boiled water. It can cure stomachache.
Avocado’s bark has effect in preventing
parasitic worms.
Leaves, bark and young branches of avocado
tree can cure diarrhea, dysentery, food poisoning, reduce coughing: take 20-40
grams of leaves or bark of avocado branches to simmer with 750ml, 350 ml of
remedy water is divided into 3 drinking times in day before meals. You should
pay attention that this remedy can stimulate menstruation and it can cause
miscarriage. Therefore, pregnant women shouldn’t use this kind of fruit.

bark and young branches of avocado tree can cure diarrhea, dysentery, food
poisoning, reduce coughing.
Avocado seeds: Oil that extracted from
avocado seeds can nourish and protect skin. In addition, it can make dried and
rough skin become soft. Moreover, it is also used as oil for rubbing and
massaging scalp, stimulates scalp and helps hair rise quickly.