We can list some habits that aren’t good for
the development of children’s constitution and IQ index.
Parents often think that some daily habits
of babies are normal; however, they aren’t really good for the development
about constitution and intelligence of children. These habits that seem to be
simple can make children catch disease.
We can find out some bad habits that
children can catch:
Eating a lot of sugar, cakes and candies
Consuming a lot of sugar in day the leading
is the bad habit that children should give up. Sugar not only is the
perpetrator that causes obesity but also reduces craving for food, the amount
of protein and synthesized vitamins. They can make children’s body asthenic.
Sitting and watching TV, playing games in a long time
As parents, have you even limited your
children about the time of watching TV/day? How to help children use computer
or cellphone, tablets effectively? Many researches proved that sitting and
watching TV or playing games in a long time can affect concentrating ability,
organizing skill and laziness about thinking of children.

and watching TV in a long time can affect concentrating ability of children.
Hanging about at home and interact less
Language is developed in lobe of the brain.
Talking as well as contacting regularly will improve the development and do the
function of brain. If the process of contacting is plentiful, it will
contribute to stimulate the exercising about brain of babies. Therefore,
parents should spend time for babies to interact with outside environment as
well as be interactive to talk anytime that babies can.
Skipping breakfast
Do your children have breakfast regularly?
If the answer is “yes”, this thing is really wonderful because skipping
breakfast will have negative effect to health and intelligence of children.

breakfast will help children’s spirit cheery, comfortable, and alert.
Having breakfast will help children’s
spirit cheery, comfortable, and alert,…so the concentrating ability is also
better. As a result, children’s brain will have fast thinking and react better
if unexpected things take place.
Sleeping badly
Sleep will help brain eliminate tiredness.
When children sleep less, this thing will affect the development of physical
force and the ability of acquiring in studying. It can even cause the problems
such as hyperactivity and loss of controlling emotion. Tiredness will make
babies lose concentration and lead to torpid mood, children don’t want to have
any activity.
Therefore, parents need to ensure time as
well as the quality of sleep to help children have the plentiful vitality and
have an effective studying day.

need to ensure time as well as the quality of sleep to help children have the
plentiful vitality and have an effective studying day.
Sleeping immediately after eating fully
When children eat fully and sleep
immediately after eating, children’s stomach will stretch bigly, it will push
diaphragm to block the operation of heart. In addition, lying after eating will
increase the pressure to the digestive ability of stomach. When the amount of
food in stomach isn’t digested totally, the body will be tired and unpleasant
after waking up. In serious case, it can cause stomachache.