Cold borecole – solid and crunchy
‘This recipe is a version of sliced
cabbage mixed with nut and honey at Lucille’s Smokehouse BBQ, which I really
Total time: 30 minutes
Yield: 16 portions
2 packets (16 ounces each) of borecole mixture
2 medium Honey Crisp apples, thinly slices
1 big carrot, chopped
¾ small red onion, chopped
½ cup of green chili, chopped
½ cup of sour vinegar made from apple
1/3 cup of colza oil
1 ½ teaspoons of sugar
½ teaspoon of celery seed
½ teaspoon of salt
½ cup of grilled nut or cashew, unequally chopped

borecole – solid and crunchy
- In a big bowl, mix the first 5
ingredients. In a small bowl, stir vinegar, oil, sugar, celery seed and
- Right before eating, sprinkle the sauce
to salad; turn over until blended. Spread some nut or cashew.
Grilled Reuben Sandwich sauce
‘I love grilled Reuben sandwich, and
this recipe combines all its states into a great sauce that everybody loves,’ .
Prepare: 10 minutes
25 minutes
Yield: 8 cups
1 jar (8 ounces) of German vegetable pickles, washed
and drained
10 ounce good pickled beef, sliced
2 cups (8 ounces) of thick cheese, ground
2 cups (8 ounces) of Swiss cheese, ground
1 cup of mayonnaise sauce
¼ cup of Russian salad sauce
1 teaspoon of carum seed, optional
Rye crunchy cookies

Reuben Sandwich sauce
In a big bowl, mix the first 6 ingredients;
stir the carum seed if you want. Move to a 13x9-inch greased plate. Bake at 350
degrees in 25-30 minutes or until sparkling, serve with crunchy cookies.