Foods that are kept in fridge in some days
(or some weeks) can change and produce bacteria that are harmful to health.
Frozen chicken
Frozen children are processed and stored in
cold store within 1-2 months before they are brought to the market. In reality,
you can keep frozen chicken to 6 months in fridge; however, if you keep it in a
long time, their taste will reduce.
Fresh chicken that are frozen should be
only kept 1-2 days in fridge. If you cannot eat all of them, you can put them
in ice tray to keep them longer.

you keep frozen chicken in a long time, their taste will reduce.
Processed meat
Processed meat such as sausage, ham should
be used from 3 to 7 days. If you keep them longer, they can produce bacteria
that are harmful to health.

meat such as sausage, ham should be used from 3 to 7 days.
Leftover that is kept in fridge in one week
can be safe for health. However, you need to ensure that the temperature of
fridge must be under 35oC and you should pay attention if it has
rotten expression.

that is kept in fridge in one week can be safe for health.
Frozen bread
Frozen bread can be kept in some months in
ice tray. However, in 2-3 weeks, food can change taste and nutrition.

bread can be kept in some months in ice tray.
Moisture in fridge is the main reason that
can absorb smell and taste of food. Therefore, instead of storing too much
coffee in fridge, you should keep it in a closed box and keep it in cool place.

should keep coffee in a closed box and keep it in cool place instead of storing
in fridge.
Broth from chicken or beef
Although broth from chicken or beef is
stored in fridge, you should only use it in some days.

should only use broth from chicken or beef in some days.
5 weeks are the maximum time for storing
egg in fridge. However, the best way is that you should eat eggs in fridge from
2 to 3 weeks.

weeks are the maximum time for storing egg in fridge.
Canned tomato
You should only use it in some days. After
opening can, you should cover it and use in day quickly.

should only use canned tomato in some days.
Fat in snacks will be oxidized after being
opened. It can produce the substances that are harmful to health. Therefore,
after opening, you should use it in a certain time.

can produce the substances that are harmful to health.