The intellectual development of
babies depends on foods that they eat daily.
When making a menu for babies, don’t forget
that their intellectual development depends on what they eat.
Being smart and creative is what parents
wish their children to be. A part from genetic factor, a balance and scientific
diet and standard foods can help babies become smarter and more agile.

foods have a good role in increasing your baby’s IQ.
The followings are foods that help
improving baby’s intelligence.
1. Breast and formula milk
Breast milk especially has a variety of DHA
and ARA. DHA and ARA in breast milk are the platform formations of brain cells,
the main elements of grey matter and retina. However, moms also need to have
yourselves a sensible diet in order to ensure the quality of the milk from
which your kids can absorb an essential amount of DHA.
Besides, formula milk is a rich source of
DHA for kids, too. Base on the nutritious content of breast milk, manufacturers
of producing milk powder and children food have added DHA and another fatty
acid called ARA into their products.
2. Chicken eggs
Chicken egg is known as a kind of food that
is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals which all play a very important part
of a children’s development. Additionally, chicken eggs also contain lots of
DHA and lecithin, which not only stimulates the development of the nervous
system and the body, but also positively affects brain’s development. One more
reason to choose chicken eggs is that eggs have a nutrient called choline which
is very good for children’s memory.
According to professional opinions, moms should
provide children with egg in addition to breakfast to support their
intellectual development.
Nonetheless, moms shouldn’t feed babies who
are under 6-month-old with egg white nor let them have eggs when they have
fever; especially, do not let them eat boiled eggs or uncooked ones.

are good for children’s memory.
3. Soy oil
Soy oil is a kind of food that is rich in
vitamin E, antioxidants and is able to protect brain’s nerves in order to
improve the health of nervous system. Moms can let children eat a variety of
green vegetables and non-salt soy oil at the same time or eat them with hot
4. Cereals

contain a large amount of vitamin group A, B and C.
Cereals, which contain a large amount of
the vitamins of the A, B and C group, help raring cells and nervous system. On
the other hand, we can find iron and zinc in cereals; they help reduce the risk
of obesity and stimulate children’s physical development.
Besides, cereals also provide necessary
energy (glucose) for brain’s activities, and their fiber can help control the
level of glucose in the body.
Therefore, moms shouldn’t forget adding
cereals in children’s daily regimen.
5. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a kind of cereals that is very
nutritious and necessary to children, especially to their brain: its components
such as vitamin E, B, potassium and zinc can help the cognitive activities of
the children fully develop.
Experts believe that parents should feed
their children with oats for daily breakfast in order to provide more energy for
their activities.
6. Beans
Beans, peas, broad beans are top functional
foods that contain a great amount of protein, vitamins, minerals, starch and
fiber. It’s also good for brain and rich in energy that helps kids to be
healthy and smart.

and peas are healthy foods for brain.
7. Vegetables that have lots of colors
Green vegetables not only provide children
with a great number of vitamins, but also support brain’s development.
Moms shouldn’t feed children with one kind
of vegetables. Instead of that, you should feed them a variety of vegetables,
at the same time with the diverse in flavors and colors in order to fully
provide your children with nutrients and vitamins.
Some of vegetables contain lots of
antioxidants that can restore the damaged cells of children’s brain, such as:
tomato, eggplant, pumpkin, sweet chili, corn…
8. Yogurt

is good for digestion.
Yogurt is not only especially good for
digestion, but also important to children’s development in brain tissue and
nervous system. Protein and B-group vitamin in yogurt help improve the developing
abilities of the brain and taking form of the acid-base and enzyme
In case you let your kids have yogurt
daily, you’d better choose the skim milk or skim yogurt to prevent them from obesity
or overweight.
9. Lean beef
Lean beef has a great amount of iron and
zinc that can support the stable state of brain, which helps kids to focus more
easily and improve memory. For that reason, lean beef is essential to
school-age children.
Moms can cook beef with pizza and foods
that is rich in vitamin C, like tomato, sweet chili, orange and strawberries…
to provide iron for brain’s activities.
However, moms should take notice of the
kind of beef for not causing bad effects on children’s cardiovascular and

beef will help kids focus better.
10. Fruits
and nuts
Some like walnuts, almonds, peanuts and
sesame contain A-limolenic acid which will become DHA after absorbing. Hence,
moms should add those fruits and nuts to children’s regimen to help them get
11. Salmon

is the best fish for its highest level of omega-3.
Salmon is a kind of foods that shouldn’t be
ignored. That’s because salmon’s fat has lots of omega-3, fatty acid, DHA and
EPA. DHA and EPA are 2 nutrients that are necessary for brain’s development.
Improving children’s regimen by adding more fatty acid will help them get
smarter and have better thinking skills than other kids.
Studies show that salmon is the best fish
for its highest level of omega-3 which stimulates brain’s development and the
lowest level of mercury which can harm children. That’s why you should add
salmon in your children’s regimen.
12. Strawberries
and blueberries
Strawberries and blueberries are not only
delicious and contain lots of vitamin and antioxidants that can prevent cancer,
but they also have the ability to improve intelligence and memory. Moreover, their
seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acid which stimulates brain’s development.
Do not let your kids eat canned foods that
contain preservatives, such as canned sausages, canned fish, canned meat and
carbonated drinks…
Do not let children take any medicine (even
tonic) without doctor’s references.