A healthy diet can help you to
protect and improve the vision of eyes.
In daily life, you need to create yourself
good habits and gain skills that help you protect your eyes.
The formation of the eyeballs has an
important role in the close relationship with calcium. Lacking calcium can
effect in the normal development of the bones and decrease elasticity of the
To prevent myopia, you should provide a
suitable amount of calcium of your body. The food sources that contain plenty
of calcium are milk products, soy products and chicken yolks…

healthy diet will positively effect on the eyesight.
Chrome has an ability to activate insulin
and improve biological effects of insulin. Lacking chrome can seriously affect
insulin’s normal functions, increase the pressure of the plasma and cause
Chrome is often in brown rice, animal
liver, grape juice and nuts. You should eat foods like that more frequently n
your daily life to provide enough chrome to yourself.
Zinc plays an important part in remaining
normal functions of the retina, iris and lens. It can also keep the metabolism
normal, transport vitamin A in the eye and improve vision.
Lacking zinc severely can cause vision
disturbances. For that reason, it’s necessary for you to provide enough zinc to
yourself by eating foods like meat, liver, eggs, peanuts, wheat and soy.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C can help eyes reduce the danger
caused by the light and oxygen to delay cataract formation. Foods like tomato
and lemon contain a great amount of vitamin C. You can frequently eat foods
like that to absorb nutrients.

are rich sources of vitamin.
Vitamin A is important in maintaining
eyesight. Lacking vitamin A can cause serious night blindness, eye dryness… The
best sources that provide vitamin A include animal liver, fish liver oil, eggs…
Pre-vitamin A in foods like carrots, pumpkin can transfer into vitamin A in the
Seaweed is also good for eyes. Mannite in
seaweed can improve urination, reduce eye pressure and glaucoma. Therefore, you
can eat seaweed regularly to absorb mannite.
Habits that decrease eyesight

with computer continuously for hours can cause eyesight decrease.
Using computer continuously in a long
period of time can make your eyesight decrease; it can be: blurred vision, eye
dryness, eye aches, myopia, astigmatism…
Reading books a lot or in a wrong position,
distance… will make your eyes face with many eye issues, especially myopia.
Watching TV a lot can create the condition
for radiations from TV to cause certain damages to eyes, especially children’s
because their visual cells are still on growing and incomplete.
Environment: The polluted air, low light or
too brightly space is also the reason of eyesight decrease.
Eye hygiene: Cleanse eyes in a wrong way
is a reason of eye disease. To protect eyes, you should know to cleanse them
right. Moreover, genetic factors, stress, fatigue and sickness that relates to
eye like conjunctivitis, pinkeye, myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism… or other
diseases, such as: diabetes, hypertension… can cause bad effects on eye health.