Vitamin A and D is very important for baby’s
development process. Therefore, moms need knowledge about providing vitamin to
their children.
Vitamin A and D plays a very important role
in supporting metabolic process, blood circulation, helping improve the
respiration and accelerate digestive function of children. This article will
show you ways to provide the 2 vitamins to your babies most efficiently.

A and D plays a very important role in supporting metabolic process, blood
circulation, helping improve the respiration and accelerate digestive function
of children.
Comparing to adult’s, the baby’s growth is
much faster so the baby’s nutrition needs are bigger. Vitamin A and D have
important role in stimulating the complete development of babies.
Lacking vitamin A is the reason of impaired
vision, night blindness and eye dryness. Besides, vitamin S also helps maintain
the integrity of respiratory and digestive cells, increase the number of
protective muscles, prevent the intrusion of viruses and improve the immunity.
Vitamin D has an ability to stimulate the
metabolic process to synthesize calcium that helps strengthen bones and prevent
osteoporosis, rickets. Additionally, vitamin D also helps improve the
resistance of the bod, decrease the risk of having osteoporosis to adult and
the risk of cancers, diabetes and other diseases.
How to add vitamin
The essential amount of vitamin A is mainly
in animal liver, pure milk, egg yolks, lean meat…

A is mainly in animal liver, pure milk, egg yolks, lean meat…
However, the amount of vitamin A and D that
children are often provided daily is rarely from natural products and the
amount of vitamin from natural products is not enough to meet the needs of
young children. In that case, there’s one appropriate way for moms to provide
vitamins to babies.
Children at different ages need different
amounts of vitamin. Lacking vitamin A and D will make your children miss the
opportunities of full development and cause dangerous issues.
Many researches show that children who are
plenty of vitamin A can be poisoned due to intracranial pressure. In the case,
children will have signs like vomiting, headache, mental disorders and growth
retardation. In the worse situation, vitamin A excess also increase the number
of children having defects, which leads to the fact that doctor recommend for
pregnant women not using vitamin A in pregnancy, especially in the first 3
months of pregnancy.

providing vitamins for babies, moms should ask for doctor’s advice.
Vitamin D excess causes effects that are as
serious as vitamin A excess. Children can lose appetite, the periosteal
thickening, disabilities or poor memory… There’re many cases of children who
have vitamin D excess cause renal failure and death.