1 to 6 months old, some babies are able to do things that make their parents
At 1 to 6 months old, babies totally feel strange and have
not had any notion about the world around them. Therefore, this is the hardest
stage in parents’ caring and bringing up their children. Besides eating and
sleeping, babies at these ages also develop many skills, and especially some
are able to do things that make their parents surprised.

At 1 to 6 months old, some babies are able to do things
that make their parents surprised.

Besides eating and sleeping, babies at these ages also
develop many skills.
At 1 month old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Lifting head when lying prostrate
Responding to sound
Looking at mom directly
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Keeping eyes on favorite objects
Saying some words like ‘oh’, ‘ah’
Being able to see black and white cubes
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Smiling at the end of the first month of
Some are able to rear turtle neck at 450.
At 2 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Keeping head in a short time
Waving hands when feeling excited
Keeping eyes on something
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Smiling or laugh
Rearing turtle neck at 450
Moving more flexibly
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Keeping head stable
Some are nearly able to stand
Lifting head and shoulders when lying on
mom’s belly
At 3 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Caring about everything more and being able
to recognize mom’s face and flavor
Keeping head stable
Keeping eyes on things that are moving
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Being able to babble
Blowing bubble
Recognizing mom’s voice
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Being able to raise head and prop the body
by elbows when lying prostrate
Proving to be excited to touch things and
sway them
At 4 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Smiling or laughing loud
Being able to stand
Responding when being talked to
Swinging body and smiling with interest
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Being able to hold toys
Starting to develop ability to coordinate
hands and eyes
Turning from lying prostrate to lying
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Mimicking to say ‘papa’, 'da da'
Starting to teethe the first tooth
Some get used to solid foods
At 5 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Managing to differentiate bright and dark
Enjoying playing with their own hands and
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Recognizing their own names and respond
when being called
Getting skilled at turn prostrate and
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Sitting in a few seconds without any
Smiling with themselves in mirror
Starting scaring of being separation
At 6 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Responding to sound and voice
Mimicking sounds
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Sitting firmly without any support
Being ready to get used to solid foods
Starting to look for what they have dropped
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
body towards the front, staring to creep
Combining syllables
Drawing others’ attention to themselves