If children have good concentration, they
will learn a lot of knowledge from the around environment.
Nowadays, what do parents care about most?
Developing about constitution or brain to help children easily study in the
Medical experts advise you to provide with
the correct content of nutrients to help develop children’s brain. In addition,
parents should find out many ways of teaching to prove children’s ability of
learning when they are young. However, parents should practice children about
awareness, thinking and studying in particular steps. When parents master these
important steps, they can help their children develop the ability of learning
Children’s process of learning is divided
into 3 clear steps: concentration to receive information, ability of memorizing
to store information, and handling event (use information to solve problem).
These 3 steps have solid relation. Process of learning with these 3 steps is
very important to the development of children’s intelligence and adults. Therefore,
parents shouldn’t ignore any step.
Among 3 steps, building up children’s
concentration plays the most important part and it has direct effect on the
next steps. In the first period of life, children will spend most of their time
to receive information about the around world. If children have good
concentration, they will accumulate a lot of knowledge from the around
environment naturally such as: language, colors, culture… This is the essential
data to help children develop well in the next periods.
Many parents think that their children are
too old to be practiced, concentrate, memorize and handle events. However,
children have these abilities in the early age, so parents should care and
stimulate children’s concentrating ability from the beginning. In 2009, Dr.
Drover JR and his assistants did clinical research with group of 9-month-old
children that were required about the ability of concentration, memorizing to
take their toys again. As a result, the group that was provided with correct
content of DHA got higher score in solving solution than the group wasn’t
provided enough. Therefore, the ability of concentrating plays an important
part and it affects to children’s ability of solving situations.
Moreover, this is the stage that children are
easily affected and they often pay attention to the around things. Hence, the
best way to help children pay attention is playing games. Parents can refer to
some following games:
Eyesight games
Parents give children the table that has
black, red and white color or looking at cellphone’s screen with distance 30cm
and move it to pass by slowly. At the first time, children will not look at;
however, if parents do regularly, children will be very surprised. At this
time, children will begin to look at slowly because brain begins to concentrate
to things that they see.

give children the table that has black, red and white color or looking at
cellphone’s screen with distance 30cm and move it to pass by slowly.
Play with sound
A popular phenomenon is that children will
concentrate when they hear strange sound. Parents can let children contact with
noise to stimulate children’s curiosity such as crackling sound of balloon, beep
of rubber toys.

can let children contact with noise to stimulate children’s curiosity such as
crackling sound of balloon, beep of rubber toys.
Play with colors
Ask children to dip their hand in different
colors; after dipping one color, children will print on a hard paper. This game
not only helps children to be excited but also develops their intelligence
because color has an important part in stimulating children’s intelligence.

can ask children to play with colors to stimulate children’s intelligence.
To help children play and gain the best
result, parents need to provide children with nutrients. DHA, ARA, Choline,
Protein, Fe, Zn, Iod, Acid Siallic, Taurine and vitamin group B are nutrients
that especially relate to brain and learning process of children. Parents need
to provide the above nutrients, especially DHA with the correct content like
WHO’s advice. You can use 17mgDHA/100kcal to small children and 75mg DHA a day
for children from 1 year old to over. Nutritious diet and brining up children
in right way in the first period of life will be a firm foundation to develop
potential in many important fields that affect children’s ability of learning
and future life.