Fruits can purify the body. If you just eat
fruit and drink juice in 3 successive days, you will have a young outlook, good
health and sound mind in summer.
We often use fruits as desserts.
Specialists said that eating fruits that way can lead to indigestions and
incomplete nutritional absorptions, which are called heartburn, heaviness….

fruits in right ways will help the body to be healthy and fresh in summer days.
How to eat fruits right
You should eat fruits when the stomach is empty.
It’d be better if you eat fruits one to 2 hours after meals.
It’s better to eat fruits rather than drink
You should drink fresh juices, not the canned
You should drink juice slowly so that the juice
can react to the saliva before being swallowed.
Do not cook juices because it will make the
juices lose vitamins.
People who have digestive problems like
indigestions shouldn’t eat fruits with yogurt or sugar.
Popular healthy fruits
and papaya
Those fruits are first ranked in having
vitamin C. The guava is rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation. The
papaya is rich in carotene which is good for eyes.

can treat constipation.
The fruit contains lots of vitamin B6, B12,
potassium, magnesium… which can help the brain work effectively and flexibly.
Bananas are rich in fibers and able to bring laxative effects and prevent

bananas help reduce stress and improve the intelligence.
It contains 92% of water that can help
reduce the heat bring refreshment. Water melons also have lots of lycopene
which treat cancer. The other nutrients in water melon are vitamin C and

water melons, there’re lots of nutrients that can prevent cancers.
Eating 2 to 4 oranges a day can help your
prevent cold, reduce cholesterol, prevent, reduce kidney stones as well as the
risk of colon cancer.

can improve colon cancer.
The fruit has antioxidant effects better
than others, helps prevent cancer and free radicals which can cause thrombosis.

can prevent thrombosis.