Fever is an important symptom that you need
to pay attention to children, especially children that are under 1 year old.
Many parents are worried when their
children have a fever and many people are impatient to find way to reduce fever
for children without knowledge. As a result, it causes serious results.
Parents should find out about the reason of
fever to children, have correct interference and refer to doctor’s idea. These
are necessary advices for parents.

is an important symptom that you need to pay attention to children, especially
children that are under 1 year old.
Understand fever of children correctly
General mentality of parents is that they
are often worried when they recognize that their children have a fever,
especially people that become parents in the first time and don’t have a lot of
experience. In reality, there are some reasons that cause fever for children
are considered normal, besides there are some reasons causing fever
Fever is a reacting way of children to
diseases about bacterial contamination and in the case when children’s body has
changes about transforming or sudden hot and cold feeling. When children have a
fever, they will have signs such as: their body temperature becomes hotter a
Putting mother’s cheek close to baby’s
cheek, the mother can feel that the baby is hot. In addition, babies cry, feel
unpleasant, tired, are easily furious and sleep vaguely. When children have the
above signs, parents need to check the temperature of children quickly.
If you recognize that babies have a fever
with temperature not over 38.5oC, they have a slight temperature. In
this case, parents shouldn’t worry too much because this fever can give
children condition to prevent diseases about bacterial contamination. With
temperature that is higher than this temperature, children have a high fever
and parents need to pay attention to find out the reasons that cause fever for
children so that they will have way to cure on time.
Reasons that cause fever for children
Children catch normal diseases such as
rhinitis, flu, virus… Children have signs such as cough, sneeze, have a runny
nose, break out in the rash,…With these normal diseases, children will have a
fever from 3 to 4 days. Although children have a fever, they are alert and they
can eat and drink well.
Many children that are under 1 year old
often have a fever because of teething. These are reasons that cause fever and
parents don’t have to worry. In this case, parents should follow temperature
and signs of children. If children have a slight fever (under 38.5oC),
you should make children feel cool and their fever will reduce.
To children that have high fever (over 38.5oC),
they can catch dangerous diseases such as lung inflammation, malaria,
meningitis... Parents shouldn’t disregard these diseases.
Parents should observe signs of children.
Parents should take children to go to the hospital quickly if they recognize
that children tremble, bleed, convulse, vomit, breath difficultly, blue, writhe
in bed and are in a coma. The above symptoms are very dangerous and they can
threaten children’s life if babies aren’t detected and handled timely.
Take care of children when they are ill
Help babies feel cool: You should let
children wear clothes that are light and can absorb sweat. You should also let
children stay in cool room and that room has suitable temperature. Suitable
temperature for children is 21-23oC.
Use cloth towel that can absorb water, make
it dry and cover with children’s brown, head and hands.
Alternating with covering with towel,
parents can also use towel to wipe all over the body of children so that
temperature of body will become cooler. Body will reduce fever when areas such
as armpit, groin and neck are cooling.
Supplement children with water, you should
let children drink a lot of filtered water, milk or fruit juice. To children
that suck mother’s milk, mothers need to give babies the breast more and the
time for sucking is longer. If children themselves cannot suck, mothers need to
milk to cup and use spoon to let babies drink.

need to give babies the breast more and the time for sucking is longer.
Don’t forget to take temperature after 4-5
hours to follow whether children can reduce fever or not.
If children have a fever with over 38.5oC,
this thing lasts and children don’t have signs of reducing fever, parents need
to take children to the hospital quickly. For children that have a fever
accompanied with convulsion, parents need to take children to medical stations
to so that doctors can follow.

should remember to take temperature for children after 4-5 hours.
The things that you shouldn’t do when children have a
When children have a fever, many people
fear that children will feel cold, so they find way to make children feel warm
by wearing shirt with long sleeves, cover with blanket, not go out, close the
doors. In reality, this thing makes babies’ body hot and unpleasant.
Parents must not use medicine for children
willingly when not having nomination of doctors.