presenter Laura Whitmore is known for her quirky and unique personal style. She
has spoken on where she sources her inspiration from when getting dressed,
revealing that she loves street style and often looks through fashion magazines
to get ideas too: ''My style has definitely evolved over the years and I
dress very differently to my friends which is cool. I look through magazines
for fashion inspiration but I mainly look to how others around me, either
at home or when aboard, wear it well - I love street-style just to
see how other people put outfits together.''

has previously worked with Timex where she became a Style Insider for their
recent 'Wear it Well' campaign and says she got to interact with many different
stylish people from across Britain who inspired her further because they each
had very creative ideas: ''Through my work with Timex I have met so many
different people on Britain's streets, all who had really individual styles
that inspired me to try new things myself. One girl was wearing a
slogan bag that I have. I usually only use it for evenings but she was
wearing it with her daytime outfit and it looked amazing. I might try that next
time I am searching for a cool daytime clutch.''
her own tips to those who wish to dress well, Laura says that it's most
important to dress to please yourself but you should also challenge your own
sense of fashion by trying new things that you usually wouldn't wear: ''My
top tip for looking your best is to dress for yourself, not for anyone else.
Even working with a stylist, I wouldn't wear anything she told me to wear
unless I was comfortable with it myself. That said, it's good
to push yourself out of your style comfort zone every so
often to make sure you try new things. I have started wearing brighter colours
because I was challenged to try something different and now I love them!''