Want a GP appointment
in December? Join the queue. Or swot up on these (doctor-approved) DIY
first-aid cures…
A minor burn
We’re talking about
the small, blistery kind you get from hot hair straighteners, not one that
covers a large area or is peeling. Run it under cold water for at least ten
minutes (but no ice, as this can damage skin), says Dr. Meng Aw-Yong, medical
advisor for St John Ambulance. “No water? Use milk (the protein and fat are
soothing) or a cold can. If it’s blistered, cover it with cling film (it’s
virtually sterlie and only sticks to itself), a clean plastic bag or a
non-fluffy pad.”
A stomach bug
The fix depends on,
erm, which end the problem’s at. If you’re vomiting, don’t ingest anything for
four to six hours. “Your stomach is irritated, and even water can make it
spasm,” says Dr. Marie Savard, author of How To Save Your Own Life. Then
try water or flat ginger beer (“the sugars are easily digestible and ginger
helps nausea”), before trying plain carbs, like crackers, or protein, like
grilled chicken. If you have diarrhoea, sip fluids and once you’ve been
episode-free for half a day, try a little food, but avoid too much fibre. If
you have vomiting and diarrhoea, hydration is key. Get rehydration salts
from the chemist, or sip water or soft drinks. If you’re not better in 24
hours, see your GP.
Cold or flu symptoms
Don’t believe ‘Feed a
cold, starve a fever’, says Dr. Michael Roizen, author of You: The Owner’s
Manual – An Insider’s Guide To The Body That Will Make You Healthier And
Younger. What does help? Chicken soup. “The protein helps your body repair, and
the iron and zinc supports the immune system,” says nutritionist Dr. Carina
Norris. “Plus, if there’s garlic, this has anti-viral effects.” For a funny
nose, try an antihistamine like Claritin for day; for sinus pressure, try
Benadryl at night. For a sore throat, Dr. Roizen suggests honey. A fever or
aches? Take ibuprofen and go to bed with a good magazine. Oh, look: you already
have one!
but wait! this stuff does need a doctor
- The worst
headache of your life
It may be
a migraine, but see your GP if the pain is totally debiliating or comes with a
fever and a stiff neck.
- An STD
If you
notice a bump, itching, burning or an unusual discharge, a promopt diagnosis
may save fertility problems in the future.
- A urinary tract
juice won’t fix it. “If you feel burning when you pee, notice blood in your
urine and have a temperature, see your GP sooner rather than later,” says
GLAMOUR GP Dr. Rini Chatterjee.