Three months in the middle of pregnancy are
considered as the most comfortable time; however, pregnant mothers must still
face with some complex problems.
Problems of pregnancy such as constipation,
dizziness, urinary tract infection,... could happen to a pregnant mother in 3
months in the middle of pregnancy whose period is from 12th to 26th
week of pregnancy period.
Although three months in the middle of pregnancy
are considered as the most pleasant time during pregnancy, they sometimes still
make you tired.
Fatigue at this stage usually occurs in
every afternoon after a long working day. If pregnant mothers are in their
office, they can take a break, eat a little fruit, or stand and walk a few
laps. And, if they're at home, they can take an afternoon nap.
Yoga for pregnant women can help them
overcome fatigue, and strengthen ligaments around the pelvis. This makes it
easier in the labor start.
If you frequently feel unwell, going to see
to a doctor is the best option for pregnant mothers in this case.

you frequently feel unwell, going to see to a doctor is the best option for
Having difficulty in breathing
During 3 middle months of pregnancy, many
women have trouble in breathing process. They feel naturally difficult to
breathe along with some other symptoms such as heart palpitations, trembling
limbs, body fatigue...
The cause of this condition is that mothers
need more oxygen and rapid breathing is also one of the ways to get oxygen into
the body in pregnant period.
The hormone progesterone goes up and this
thing directly affects the lungs, stimulates the respiratory control center in
the brain. As a result, breathing becomes more difficult, and is in a hurry.
Besides, the growth of fetus causes pressure on their chest and lungs, which
makes their breath more difficult.
Difficulty status of breathing and
shortness of breath during pregnancy is mostly normal and not harmful. They
should strengthen rest, and when they sit, they should sit straight and keep
their back straight so that lungs make room for receiving oxygen easily.
Even when they stand, they should also keep
their back straight. The curved back makes them be hard to breathe. When
sleeping, they may chock several small pillows in the upper body to avoid
pressure of the fetus on the lungs.
During pregnancy, many pregnant mothers
find that their cleverness has been lost. Their belly becomes bigger, which
easily makes them lose their balance and leads to tripping, falling. Therefore,
they need to avoid walking on the slippery floors, and should wear shoes or
sandals reasonably.
Most fumble cases during pregnancy are
normal because of physical changes of pregnant mothers. In addition, that
carpal tunnel syndrome can cause pain, numb fingers also makes them become
clumsier, so they should early go to see a doctor.
Painful groin
Short throbbing pains will appear in this
area only from 24th week and later. The pain commonly gets worse when they
stand or move. It can also occur when they walk, cough, or change posters such
as stepping out of a car.
There are many reasons causing this unusual
pain. One of them is that ligaments and muscles of the uterus are stretched to
make room for the development of the fetus. Many pregnant women feel a sharp
pain, usually on one side of the groin.
Painful groin can also be a symptom of the
infection of urinary tract. This must be diagnosed and treated early by
Besides painful groin can also be a sign of
ectopic pregnancy; that is, fertilized ova make their nest in the fallopian
tube. Especially if it accompanies with prolonged bleeding phenomenon, please
often visit doctors and follow instructions from them.
Aches and pains
Aches and pains may increase when the fetus
grows up. You may face with severe back pains. Yoga and proper posture will
help you limit back pains.

and proper posture will help you limit back pains.
You may catch edema, and you will also feel
uncomfortable in your legs and ankles. When you sit down, rub your feet and
avoid crossed sitting. Also, you should put your feet on a platform while you
are sitting.
At that time, you will find that the most
dizziness will occur when you lie on your back. This is the reason that the
weight of your fetus weighs down on the veins that carry blood from the lower
body back to the heart. The biggest risk of dizziness makes you swoon.
To avoid dizziness, you should limit the
lying on your back in the second and third trimesters. Instead, you should lie
on your left side or chock a pillow near your hip when lying on your side.
Low sugar in blood can also cause
dizziness. You should keep snacks during meals to balance sugar in blood. If
you feel dizzy, you need to sit down and eat a little. Bananas are the great
fast food because they not only quickly provide energy for you but also are
rich in potassium and help to reduce swelling.
Drink enough water because the shortage of
water will make you feel dizzy.

women should drink enough water to avoid dizziness.
Split skin
When the fetus grows up, pregnant women
find that their skin is stretched and appears stretch marks in their chest and
belly. You need not worry about them because the stretch of skin is normal, and
can fade and die out after a while. The best way to prevent and limit the
stretch marks is to make the body have enough water and moisturize your skin
with a safe kind of cream.

mothers should use the foods that are rich of fiber to avoid constipation.
Many women have caught constipation for 3
months in the middle of pregnancies. Pregnant mothers should drink a lot of
liquid and us the foods that are rich of fiber to avoid constipation. Sitting
in a long time also makes you catch constipation, so you should move more