Exercise, even the gentle variety, can
boost your brain health, so get moving right now.

Exercise isn’t just brilliant for your
body, it’s also magnificent for your mind. According to a study from the
University of Georgia, just 20 minutes improves your ability to process
information and your memory functions. Try these ideas to be your brightest and
When you need to wake up, wriggle your toes. Try moving them all at once and then in smaller groups. It will
activate a set of nerves stimulating your brain, making you more alert.
Find exercises that will improve right
brain/left brain communication. An easy one is to
march while putting the right hand to the left knee and vice versa.
Take a step or dance class. Anything that incorporates rhythm and coordination boosts your brain
Circuit training in the gym puts your brain into
super-active mode as you alternate resistance
training with cardio and constantly redirect your attention and memory skills.
Feeling mentally tired? A
few jumping jacks can reboot your brain.
Walking can help you concentrate, clear your head
and encourage creative thinking. It’s thought the
rhythmic nature may have a positive effect on brain power.

Researchers have shown that just eight weeks of yoga can result in better concentration and the inverted poses improve
blood flow to the brain.
Mice that ran on a wheel were found to grow more
brain cells than sedentary mice. One reason is that
any aerobic exercise increases blood flow and delivers more nutrients and
oxygen to the brain.
Juggle – it helps increase
white matter, the brain’s cabling network.
10. Play team sports which require strategy and long-term planning. They help build better brains.
11. Walk barefoot – this will give the part
of the brain that gathers and interprets information from your feet a workout.
12. Play golf or other games that require
you to follow the progress of a ball. It stimulates the brain’s tracking