The secret to honing a hot and healthy
figure (and living life to the full!) is all about balance, reveals Australian
Miranda Kerr has it all. Fact. She’s a
super-successful Victoria’s Secret model, doting mother and married to one of
the most gorgeous men on the planet, actor Orlando Bloom. She’s the kind of
woman you’d love to hate – if you weren’t won over by her sunny, can-do

a super-successful Victoria’s Secret model
Just like the title of her new Reebok campaign
‘Satisfaction’ suggests, the 29-year-old Australian is one seriously happy
lady. Miranda’s latest venture sees her step up as the face of the sportswear
giant’s iconic EasyTone footwear range, a truly apt role given her love of
fitness and all things healthy. ‘I like to work out because it makes me feel
good,’ she says simply . ‘I think that health is wealth.’
While most of us struggle to strike a
balance between our personal and professional lives, Miranda seems to find
juggling her career with caring for her 18-month-old son Flynn and spending
quality time with her hubby a breeze. When she’s not working, life is all about
the slow lane: ‘I love being in nature – growing up in Australia, the beach has
always been a big part of my life and I feel very at home and happy there,’ she
reveals. She’s got it all figured out… So, what’s Miranda’s formula for a
beautiful body and life?
Yoga Baby
It’d be tempting to put Miranda’s scorching
hot figure down to good genes, but she works hard at keeping her curves in
runway-ready shape. ‘I try to do at least half an hour of yoga every day and
then I add in Pilates and some strength training with weights and resistance
bands,’ Miranda says. ‘I’m into strength and toning and get my cardio from
And she’s no newcomer to the fitness scene,
either – Miranda’s had a long relationship with exercise. ‘I was a gymnast when
I was younger and I’ve always liked being active and conditioning my body, ’
she confesses.

into strength and toning and get my cardio from walking.’
There’s no doubt workouts have played a
huge role in sculpting Miranda’s trademark lithe limbs and toned abs, but the
Victoria’s Secret Angel doesn’t work out solely for the body-beautiful benefits
– it helps her deal with her busy workload, too. ‘It can be a challenge,
especially after travelling or if my schedule is hectic, but I think about how
good I’m going to feel afterwards,’ she explains. ‘Working out keeps me
mentally fit and positive, so I know I just have to get on and do it. It’s important
to take care of yourself, because then you can perform at your optimum.’
Healthy Habits
Unlike many stars in the spotlight, Miranda
isn’t a fan of fad diets and takes a realistic approach to nutrition, eating
everything in moderation. ‘I think that life is about a balance and it’s really
important to not deprive yourself of something because if you do, you crave it
even more,’ she says.
Her super-healthy attitude is based on her
practical knowledge of food: ‘I studied nutrition so I’ m a certified health
coach,’ she reveals. ‘I’m licensed to teach people about healthy eating habits
and what not to eat. I love food that’s full of life; raw and organic.’

think that life is about a balance and it’s really important to not deprive
yourself of something because if you do, you crave it even more,’ she says.
A world away from the cliché of a starving
model, it’s clear that food is one of the joys of Miranda’s life. ‘I love to
have people over to the house and cook for them and have dinner parties, ’ she
says. ‘I cook anything – fish, a roast – it really depends on who’s coming and
what they feel like and what my husband feels like eating,’ she says.
A devotee of exotic foods, she also piles
her plate with antioxidant-rich fruit. ‘There are so many superfoods which are
amazing – coconut, blueberries, noni,’ she lists. ‘We have a vegetable patch in
Los Angeles so I pick veggies from there. I also love kale, spinach, fennel,
avocado – I like to eat clean,’ she confesses. We like her style! Miranda wears
Easy Tone as part of her fitness routine. Easy Tone is available from JJB and
retailers nationwide.
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Get your rear in gear!
Try Miranda’s bottom-toning workout
Butt Kick
Wearing 1kg ankle weights, begin on
all fours with your forearms resting on the floor, and lift one leg up to
bottom height.
Kick out to the side and straight
back, keeping your foot flexed.
Complete three sets of 12 reps then
repeat using your other leg.

Leg Circles
Lie on your side with your legs
together, wearing 1kg ankle weights.
Lift the top leg and, engaging your
bottom, perform small circles in a clockwise direction.
Repeat 12 times clockwise, then 12 times
anticlockwise. Repeat on the other leg.

Leg Lift
Starting on all fours, stretch one
leg out behind you.
Lift your leg up, then back to the
start position. Then bring your leg out to one side and back, then to the other
side and back.
Complete 3 sets of 12 reps on each