5. Choose Sensibly!
You now know what kind of delicious variety
you can have in your diet based on MyPyramid but the trick is you need
to choose sensibly. Let me help you sort through some of the food
choices that can help you win the battle of the bulge.
Choose a Diet Low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol
You may be surprised to know that we do need to
eat some fat. Fats supply essential fatty acids and help absorb
fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K) in the body. But problems
arise because people tend to eat too much fat. Boy—that’s big news! The
real big news is you can cut the fat in your diet.
Diets high in fat—particularly saturated fat and
cholesterol (both known to increase blood cholesterol levels)—have been
linked to heart disease, stroke, obesity, and certain types of cancer.
In contrast, consuming fats from unsaturated sources (mainly from
vegetable oils) does not raise blood cholesterol levels. You may have
also heard about trans fats. Food corporations love these because they
extend shelf life, but trans fats are not a good choice and hopefully
will be banned soon. Eating too much fat of any type can cause obesity.
Your diet should have no more than 35 percent of the total calories
coming from fat, and even that is too high for most people. Of this 35
percent, no more than 10 percent should come from saturated fat sources.
Saturated fats are primarily found in foods from
animal sources, like high-fat dairy products (whole milk and cheese),
fatty fresh and processed meats, skin and fat on poultry, lard, and also
in palm and coconut oils. Cholesterol is also found solely in animal
products, primarily in the liver and other organ meats, egg yolks, dairy
fats, chicken skin, fatty meats, and in some seafood. Unsaturated fats
(which are the better choices) are mainly found in vegetable oils, nuts,
olives, avocados, and fatty fish like salmon.
In order to follow these recommendations, here’s how you can reduce your fat and cholesterol intake:
- Reduce the amount of fat you consume from animal sources, like fat on meats and in milk, butter, cream, and egg yolks.
- Choose lean cuts of meat.
- Remove skin from chicken and poultry before eating.
- Select low-fat dairy products, including milk, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese.
- Limit your intake of high-fat convenience snack foods.
- Limit foods like cookies, cakes, pastries, doughnuts, margarine, and cooking oils.
- Become familiar with sources of saturated fat and cholesterol.
- Use liquid cooking spray in place of oil or butter.
- Use whipped butter or “lite” margarine and make sure it has no trans fats.
- Avoid fried foods; opt for baked, broiled, boiled, or grilled foods instead.
- Substitute olive oil, canola oil, or other vegetable oils for solid fats like margarine, butter, or lard.
- Be smart, too, and compare similar products.
Moderate Your Intake of Sugar
Limiting your intake of sugar will likely help
you reduce calories, limit your risk of tooth decay, and decrease the
incidence of obesity. Sugars can be found in table sugar (sucrose), or
in the form of complex sugars like fructose (sugar found in fruit and
honey) and lactose (sugar found in milk). Your body cannot tell the
difference between the different types of sugars or whether they come
from natural or refined sources—all are broken down into glucose during
digestion to provide a quick source of energy. Foods high in sugar
include white table and brown sugar, honey, molasses, jellies, table
syrups, soft drinks, fruit drinks, flavored beverages, candies, and
dessert foods. Many of these foods are “discretionary calories.” These
are foods that offer very few nutrients but a lot of calories. Other
foods like potatoes and apples also contain sugar but provide other
valuable nutrients as well, so these types of foods would not be
considered empty discretionary calorie foods. After all, an apple is a
better choice as a snack than a candy bar. However, remember that it is
okay to “budget” a candy bar on occasion if you choose it as your
“extra” calories.
The USDA recommends limiting added sugars in the
diet to 6 to 10 percent of total daily calories. (Each teaspoon of
sugar equals about 16 calories.) If you eat 1,200 calories per day, that
equals no more than 72 to 120 calories from sugar, or 4½ to 7½
teaspoons; if you eat 1,600 calories per day, that means no more than 96
to 160 calories from sugar, or 6 to 10 teaspoons per day; and if you
eat 2,200 calories per day, that means no more than 132 to 220 calories
from sugar, or 8 to 14 teaspoons.
Sugar is found in obvious food choices, like
candies, cookies, cakes, and pastries, but also it can be found in
not-so-obvious food choices, like milk, breads, and fruits. But keep in
mind that the foods that contain sugar (those empty-calorie foods) and
no other nutrition are the ones with which you need to be concerned.

Now, look at some of your favorite foods to see
how many teaspoons of sugar they contain. To do so, look at the
nutrition facts label, find the grams of sugar, and divide this number
by four. In the case of a 12-ounce can of soft drink, we find it has 41
grams of sugar. Divided by four, that equals 10 teaspoons. Wow!
Choose and Prepare Foods with Less Salt
Try to limit your salt (or sodium) intake. Too
much salt in the diet is linked with high blood pressure. Many foods add
salt to the diet, including processed foods, soups, luncheon meats,
snack foods, and beverages.
Sodium is important to the body in regulating
fluids and blood pressure. Unfortunately, too much sodium in the diet
can also cause a person to retain fluids and, as a result, increase the
numbers on the scale due to an increase in water weight. It is
recommended that you use no more than 2,400 milligrams per day (or 1
teaspoon of salt per day) max.
Check out these tips on reducing your overall salt intake:
- Limit table salt added to foods during preparation.
- Keep your eye open for nutrition labels on processed dinners,
convenience foods, crackers, chips, nuts, and seeds, all known to
contribute extra sodium.
- Remove the saltshaker from the table. When you shake you have no idea how much is coming out.
- Limit intake of processed foods and luncheon meats.
- Select canned vegetables, soups, and broths without added salt.
- Watch your condiments—ketchup, barbecue sauce, soy sauce, pickles and relish, olives, mustard—all guilty of containing sodium.
- Substitute herbs and spices for salt in flavoring foods.
If You Drink Alcohol, Do So in Moderation
The final dietary guideline offers a message
about alcohol consumption. Although not considered a food, alcoholic
beverages do contain calories but no other nutrients.
When consumed in large amounts, drinking alcohol
can be harmful, even dangerous. A high consumption of alcohol can lead
to various health problems including high blood pressure, heart disease,
stomach and liver problems, and brain damage. And because of its high
calorie content, drinking excessive alcoholic beverages can contribute
to obesity. Recommendations continue to suggest limiting consumption to
no more than one drink each day for women and two drinks each day for
An alcoholic drink refers to any of the following:
- 1 ounce (80 proof) distilled spirits (70 calories)
- 12 ounces regular beer (150 calories)
- 12 ounces light beer (90 calories)
- 4 ounces wine (80 calories)
- 2 ounces sherry (75 calories)