Use these eight easy moves to
age-proof your body and brain and glow from the inside out!
Beginner: 1 x each session
Intermediate: 3 x each session
Advanced: 4 x each session
Want to wind back the clock? Or maybe you
just want to safeguard what you’ve got for the future. The answer is staying
active. Whether you’re 25 or 55, your fitness doesn’t have to plummet as the
decades roll by. In fact, regular exercise will keep your body and brain in
peak condition, your joints healthy and help slash your risk of developing
chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Sounds
good to us’

these eight easy moves to age-proof your body and brain and glow from the
inside out!
While combining cardio exercise with
resistance work is key to keeping your weight in check and boosting muscle mass
- which naturally declines as we age - regular yoga sessions help to keep your
body strong and supple and your mind super-sharp. ‘Yoga also releases stress
from the body and keeps levels of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in
check,’ explains yoga expert Tamal Dodge (
Try Tamal’s anti-ageing yoga postures to
help keep you healthy from the inside out, year after year. Each pose helps to
improve the blood flow around your body and boosts your immune system as you
sculpt a lean physique. Alternate between the two sessions below, performing a
minimum of three sessions a week for best results
Session 1
Proper breathing
Cat cow
Downward dog
Session 2
Standing forward-bend
Warrior I
Triangle pose
Proper Breathing
Area Trained: Whole Body
Sit cross-legged on the floor on a mat with
your palms resting on your knees. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through
your nose, with your mouth closed.
Continue breathing for between 2 to

Downward Dog
Areas Trained: Rear Thighs, Arms
Start on all fours, then tuck your toes
under and lift your knees, pushing back into your heels and lifting up your
Make sure your legs are hip-width apart and
your arms are shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing forward your hands spread
wide. Keep your neck relaxed throughout.
Hold the position for about 5 breaths then
lower down to your knees for a break.
Cat Cow
Areas Trained: Spine, Pelvis
Start on all fours with your wrists
directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
Inhale and lift your head up to the sky,
dipping your stomach toward
Continue this sequence in the ground for
cow pose. Then a fluid motion, going back exhale and tuck your chin into your
and forth between cat and chest, as you round your back to cow pose with the
breath, for move into cat pose, between 1 to 5 minutes.

Trained: Spine, Pelvis
Areas Trained: Back, Arms, Stomach, Chest
Lie on your stomach on a mat with the tops
of your feet resting on the floor. Place your hands on the ground next to your
ribs, keeping your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.
Inhale and lift your chest away from the
ground, rolling your shoulders back and pulling your chest forward as you do
Hold this position for 3 breaths then lower
your chest back to the floor.
Standing Forward-Bend
Areas Trained: Thighs, Spine

Trained: Thighs, Spine
Start standing with your feet hip-width
apart and fold your body forward. Hold onto your elbows and keep your legs
slightly bent or nearly straight, depending on your comfort.
Try to bring your hips over your ankles and
press your thighs back to spread the sit bones.
Take 5 deep breaths here, then slowly stand
Triangle Pose
Area Trained: Thighs
Stand with your feet wide, turning your
right foot to the right at a 90-degree angle.
Keeping your legs straight, take your arms
out to the sides like wings, palms facing down.
Place your right hand on your right shin
(or the floor) and reach your left arm up to the ceiling but don’t let it move
behind you. Focus on opening your chest, lifting your toes, feeling your feet
flex and firming the thighs.
Take 5 slow, deep breaths in this pose and
repeat on the other side.
Warrior I
Areas Trained: Bottom, Thighs, Shoulders

Trained: Bottom, Thighs, Shoulders
Start standing with your feet together then
take a big step forward with one leg.
Turn your back heel so your foot is at a
45-degreeangle. Bend your front knee to 90 degrees and reach your arms up with
your elbows straight.
Focus on squaring your hips, drawing in
your stomach and lifting your chest for 5 slow deep, breaths then repeat on the
other side.
Areas Trained: Back, Bottom, Thighs
Start lying on your back on the mat with
your knees bent and your feet near your bottom. Place your palms on the ground
by your sides.
Inhale and lift your hips and bottom off the
ground, interlace your fingers under your back and tuck your shoulders under to
support you in the pose.
Take 5 slow breaths, then come down and hug
your knees to your chest.