From the moment fetuses are in mother’s
womb, they can totally feel the outside world by their ear.
This depends on fetal age. From 20th
to 27th week, fetuses start to have the ability to hear. They can
hear mother’s heartbeat clearly. Besides, they can feel the sound of
conversations and other sound outside the womb.

the 20th week, fetuses can hear the sound from the outside.
At first, they can just hear sounds that
have low frequency. Those are from the activities happening inside the mother,
such as the sound of blood flowing, boiling of the abdomen and mother’s
From the 20th to 33rd
weeks, they can hear sounds that have high frequencies, such as sound of
another baby’s cry or car’s siren…
Moms can know about fetal outside-sound
reception by listen to music, read books or talk with them. You babies can
respond to the sounds by moving more frequently and make their mother’s heartbeats

the 20th to 33rd weeks, they can hear sounds that have
high frequencies, such as sound of another baby’s cry or car’s siren…
Researches about infant behaviors have
shown that babies are used to music and voices that they heard when they’re in
the womb. When they’re born, if they hear those sound, they will have quicker
reaction. Babies can also notice mom’s voice than others’.
Because fetuses can’t see or touch the
outside world, their fearing is a preparation for the later life after they’re
born. Knowing mother’s voice before being born helps babies to create a strong
connection to their mothers. In reality, creating a connection between fetuses
and their moms is due to the good hearing development of fetuses.
Babies also have the ability to understand
the rhythm of the speech. This is the first and important step in their
language learning process.

should be glad that as being in the womb, fetuses are well-insulated with the
Moms should also take care of the level of
sound in order to keep fetuses safe. Specialists don’t claim that loud sound
will bring fetuses safety. However, moms should be glad that as being in the
womb, fetuses are well-insulated with the heat. Mom’s instincts may be the best
instruction to choose the right volume level of the sound for their fetuses.
Nevertheless, fetuses also hate noisy, sad
and moan-like sounds.