Facing The Inevitable
Most people view school fundraising as
necessary and are more or less okay with it. But some parents question recent
methods. Blogger Laura Wellington, a New Jersey mother of five, found plenty of
fodder in 2010 when her fifth-grade daughter came home from school with a
letter stating that she was to earn $20 doing household chores, which then had
to be contributed to the school to make up a budget shortfall.

"Paying my children to do chores goes
against everything 1 believe in," Wellington said. "It's stepping on
parents' toes and teaching the kids a lesson about how not to stay on
Her blog entry touched a nerve and was
picked up by The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. She even appeared
on several television shows. One San Francisco parent commented on the blog,
"I can testily that the drumbeat of fundraising is constant, relentless
and impossible to ignore."
“35% of principals surveyed reported annual
fundraiser earning between $10,000 and $25,000. Three percent said they take in
(Source: National Association of
Elementary School Principals)
Wellington was incensed again later in the
year, when her daughter came home with an info packet about how to have her
artwork reproduced on a shirt or clipboard for $12. "I understand they
need the money, but I feel like every time a kid does something, it turns into
an opportunity to fundraise," Wellington said.
To counteract this, some PTAs have started
asking parents to make a specific one-time donation at the beginning of the
school year. For example, Saylors says, his child's elementary school asked
every family to contribute $100. The concept met with "limited
success," he says. "Not everyone can write a check for $100, and the
school's PTA still had to do a few fundraisers during the year."
Most parents-and kids-prefer actually doing
something instead of just selling stuff. A car wash, a triathlon or a meal in a
school gym where students serve and clean up are usually far better received
than yet another candy sale. Auctions are popular, but again, income is a
factor. In wealthier districts, parents can bid more and have the ability to
donate (or fairly easily procure) desirable prizes, such as a week at someone's
second home. Obviously, that is not a realistic option in poorer communities.
Thinking Outside The Box
Schools around the country have come up
with unusual ways to generate cash. This is just a sampling from fundraising-ideas.org/DIY/index.html.
- Rappin'teachers A week or so before a planned pep rally, set up a table with
jars, each with a teachers name on the front. Ask students to buy
tickets for $1 apiece, which they put in the jar of whomever they
choose. The teacher who ends up with the most tickets lip-syncs a rap
song of his or her choosing at the rally.
- School Spirit Chain (Best for high school) Play on the natural competition
between freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors and have a contest to
see who has the most school spirit. During a specific week, students buy
strips of paper for $1 to contribute to the paper chain for their class,
which is kept hidden. Then, at an assembly, have class reps bring out
the chains. Members of the class with the longest chain win bragging
rights for the rest of the school year. The only cost is paper and
staples or tape.
- Adult Spelling Bee What kid doesn't like to see an adult put on the spot? Hold
a spelling bee in the school auditorium one night and get an
administrator to agree to give the words, which can easily be downloaded
from the Internet. Each class selects three parents to represent them,
either individually or as a team. Determine an entrance fee per
person/team and ask a local business, such as a popular restaurant, to
donate a gift certificate for the winner.
The New Deal

Stanley Levenson, author of Big Time Fundraising
for Today's Schools (Corwin Press), takes an opposing view by arguing that
typical time-consuming, labor-intensive fundraisers don't cut it anymore. Past
successes aside, car washes and carnivals can no longer carry the burden for
financially strapped schools, he says. "If public schools are to compete
for needed dollars," explains Levenson, "superintendents and others
must aggressively apply the fundraising strategies used so effectively in universities
and private schools."
That means creating district-wide
development offices, conducting annual and capital campaigns and writing
applications for corporate, foundation and government grants. According to
Levenson, development offices can become profit centers in two years or less.
Of course, most districts will have a hard
time implementing this model. For starters, it requires a certain amount of
overhead. "In low-income communities, the question could be, do you form a
development office or put a teacher in a classroom," says Saylors.
In December 2010, the Los Angeles school
board unanimously approved a plan to allow the district to seek corporate
sponsorships. This could mean, for instance, arranged school visits to pass out
samples of approved food products, or placing donors' logos in lunchrooms. But
the board also drew a line-they will not do business with companies that sell
alcohol, tobacco, firearms or high-calorie or high-fat foods.
While corporations can bring money into
schools, they then potentially wield influence, which brings up a long-standing
concern about school commercialization. "When companies get involved, it's
not purely altruistic," says Faith Boninger, Ph.D., a research associate
at the National Education Policy Center at the University of Colorado at
Boulder. "They're trying to make the children customers for life." In
other words, kids are bombarded by marketers in their regular lives. Schools
should be a neutral zone.
In Levenson's eyes, that concern is
overstated. As he sees it, companies already influence kids who go online,
watch TV and look at magazines or billboards. By not involving corporations in the
total fundraising effort, a school or district is missing out on a good possible
source of external cash.
Although establishing development offices,
applying for grants and courting corporate sponsors requires resources and time
both scarce at most public schools - it appears to be the wave of the future. Even
those who are resistant acknowledge there may be no choice.
Los Angeles school board member Steve
Zimmer says corporate sponsors are a necessary evil and we must proceed with
extreme caution. For example, in theory, a textbook company could make a
sizable donation, then have a book chosen for class use even if it's not the
best option. "This is a dangerous scenario, and that's why I'm so
uncomfortable," says Zimmer. "But this is our new reality. Public
funding is no longer funding public education."