Why did you decide to do The National Lottery Olympic Park
“It appealed to me because 2012 is such a
momentous year, and this five-mile race is the first event to take place in the
Olympic Park. The run takes you onto the actual athletics track, and whoever
crosses the line first will be the first person to receive any sort of medal in
the Olympic stadium.”
Do you enjoy running?
“I have a mental block when it comes to
running. It’s the long runs I can’t get my head around. I’ve started with
interval training, where I run for five minutes and power walk for two, then
I’ll gradually be able to reduce the time I walk for. I’ll get there
eventually! I was never good at cross-country at school, but I can dance for
hours on end so I must be quite fit.”

The actress and mother, 41, talks about
staying healthy and her first running challenge
Is dance your favourite exercise?
“I’m in my element when I’m in a dance
class. With a job in musical theatre, you’re doing eight shows a week, and
singing and dancing on stage every night. You’re training as much as an
athlete. I’ve been in and out of musical theatre in my career and that’s when
I’m at my fittest.”
What does being fit mean to you?
“I exercise because it’s important for leading
a healthy lifestyle, not because I care what the scales say. Your weight isn’t
a good representation of your fitness levels. Clothes will tell you everything
you need to know. I like my body to look athletic, not skinny. When I work out,
my body feels taut and what I like to call “snatched”. When I’m feeling
snatched, I know I’m getting fitter. The fitter you feel, the fitter you want
to be.”
You’ve cut out alcohol, why’s that?
“I wanted to see what life was like without
a hangover! I’ve never been a binge-drinker, but it’s a really nice feeling to
know you haven’t got any toxins in your body. On a night out I sit there quite
smug knowing I won’t have a headache in the morning like everyone else!”
What’s your worst eating habit?
“I used to eat really late at night,
especially when I was doing a show. I’d get in at 11pm and have a massive curry
with cake to follow. The problem was that I was actually losing weight because
of all the exercise, I guess that’s every girl’s dream, but I hate to think
what that routine was doing to my body. And I was so tired all the time. Now I
get a buzz knowing my system is clean.”
Are there any celebrity bodies you admire?
“I’m not a fan of the fake boob look! I’d
rather see a flat chest on a healthy body. I much prefer the athletic look, so
I love Cameron Diaz’s figure.”
Do you have any healthy eating tips?
“I do a lot of juicing, I’ll juice
beetroot, pineapple, lots of apples and always ginger. Ginger and celery are
very cleansing. I make sure my daughter Florence eats a healthy diet, but I
think she’s becoming a bit spoilt when it comes to food. The other day she
threw a tantrum because we didn’t have any dried mango in the house!”
Tamzin’s top tip
When I can’t get motivated to train, I’ll
put on my running kit and then every time I pass a mirror I say to myself, “Oh
yeah, don’t forget to train!” I’ve found this works better than trying to
motivate myself while sitting on the sofa in my PJs!”