British Museum The
oldest museum in the world, and one of London’s most fascinating,
contains treasures and artifacts from all over the world .
Natural History Museum Life on Earth and the Earth itself are vividly explained here using hundreds of traditional and interactive exhibits .
Science Museum This
exciting museum traces centuries of scientific and technological
development, with impressive and educational displays.
Victoria and Albert Museum This
museum of decorative arts is one of London’s great pleasures, with 145
astonishingly eclectic galleries. One of the highlights is the huge
Fashion collection, with exhibits dating from 1600 to the present day.
The museum also has collections of jewellery, textiles, metalwork,
glass, paintings, prints, sculpture and rooms full of Indian and Far
Eastern treasures .
Victoria and Albert Museum
Museum of London This comprehensive museum located near the Barbican Centre
provides a detailed account of London life from prehistoric times to
the present day. It is particularly strong on Roman Londinium, but also
has a model recreating the Great Fire of 1666 and a reconstruction of a
Victorian street including several original shopfronts .
Smiling Nun, Museum of London
National Maritime Museum The
world’s largest maritime museum, perfectly located in part of Wren’s
Royal Naval Hospital, has much to offer. Detailing inspirational stories
from Britain’s seafaring past, it tells of the continuing effects the
oceans still have on the world today. Admiral Nelson’s fatally pierced
tunic is on display, the tragic polar expeditions of explorers are
recalled and a state-of-the-art simulator gives an idea of what it is
like to steer a ship into port . Imperial War Museum In
this museum, which is housed in part of the former Bethlehem (“Bedlam”)
Hospital for the Insane, a clock in the basement moves remorselessly
on, recording the world’s war dead – a figure that has now reached 100
million. Six million of them are commemorated in the Holocaust
Exhibition. Other displays include evocative re-creations of World War I
trench warfare and the life of Londoners during the World War II Blitz.
Now it is “total war” that we have to contemplate, and this, too, is
explored .
Imperial War Museum
Design Museum Based
in a clean white 1930s building beside Tower Bridge, this museum is the
only one in Britain devoted to 20th- and 21st-century design. Regularly
changing exhibitions feature the very best of modern design from the
museum’s collection, including both product and graphic design, fashion,
furniture, architecture and engineering. Butler’s Wharf SE1 Open 10am–5:45pm daily Admission charge
London’s Transport Museum In
this former flower-market building, the history of London’s transport
system is illustrated with posters, photographs and examples of early
buses, tubes and horse-drawn vehicles. There are also interactive
“KidZones” for children .
London Transport Museum
Austin Taxi, London’s Transport Museum
V&A Museum of Childhood This
branch of the V&A Museum in Bethnal Green has the largest
collection of childhood-related objects in the UK. Its array of toys,
games, lavish dolls houses, model trains, theatres and costumes dates
from the 16th century to the present day.