Sun exposure
Ninety per cent of premature ageing is down
to sun damage. UV light causes free radicals to damage cell membranes,
releasing destructive enzymes called proteases. These break down the soft
skeleton of the skin, creating wrinkles and diminishing collagen.
Food fix Antioxidants are the best way to
fight free radicals, so it’s important to eat plenty of brightly colored fruits
and vegetables. Tuck into tomatoes, mixed peppers, citrus fruit and berries.

are the best way to fight free radicals, so it’s important to eat plenty of
brightly colored fruits and vegetables.
Sugary treats
Research shows that diets high in refined
sugar can hasten the ageing process. Sugar attacks elastin and collagen fibers,
making them brittle and leading to fine lines and wrinkles.
Food fix Cut back on those cakes, biscuits,
sweets, fruit juice and sauces. Keep sweet treats to a minimum and look for
natural sugar substitutes, such as xylitol and stevia.

back on those cakes, biscuits, sweets, fruit juice and sauces.
Stressing out
Stress triggers the hormone cortisol, which
may prevent skin healing. It can also affect sleep - and a decent slumber is
crucial for skin repair. During quality sleep, your body releases human growth
hormone (HGH) from the pituitary gland to repair cells - we naturally produce
less HG H as we age, so good shut-eye becomes crucial.
Food fix Cut back on alcohol and caffeine
to lower the stress response and improve sleep. Magnesium and calcium-rich
foods (green leafy veg and dairy) will help to relax muscles and calm the
brain, respectively.

back on alcohol and caffeine to lower the stress response and improve sleep.
Food intolerances
Food intolerances and allergies aren’t just
uncomfortable; the inflammation they cause has a huge effect on your skin’s
appearance. Dairy, grains, nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes and
aubergines, citrus, nuts, eggs and shellfish are all common irritants in the
human body.
Food fix Keep a food diary to see it any
foods trigger a flare-up. And make an effort to keep your diet varied. Eating a
food over and over again is a shortcut to irritation. Keep inflammation to a
minimum by eating food rich in Essential fats, such as nuts, seeds, avocado and
oily fish.

inflammation to a minimum by eating food rich in Essential fats, such as nuts,
seeds, avocado and oily fish.
Poor digestion
If you suffer lBS, constipation or
diarrhoea, chances are you’re not absorbing enough nutrients from your food to
keep your face looking its best.
Food fix Take a probiotic capsule daily to
help your tummy do its job. Eat more fibre and prebiotic foods, such as
vegetables and pulses, which ‘feed’ friendly gut bacteria.

more fiber and prebiotic foods, such as vegetables and pulses, which ‘feed’
friendly gut bacteria.
Toxic overload
The liver helps your body get rid of toxic
substances, but if it’s overworked (too much alcohol, cigarette smoke and
unhealthy food) your body may be forced to use detox plan B: the skin. The
result is nasty redness and spots.
Food fix Eat organic and cut back on
processed food and alcohol. Brasslca vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage
and Brussels sprouts) also support the liver.

organic and cut back on processed food and alcohol.