Salmon which is rich in DHA can
prevent postpartum depression.
While pregnant, you think that you won’t
need to add many nutrients and will want to lose weight as soon as possible.
The fact is the birth process will cost the pregnant much strength.
It’d take a period of time for your body to
be well again. Along with having a rest, the nutrients that you absorb after
giving birth will help recover your strength.
Besides, using nutritious foods can help
the pregnant to have better milk. At that moment, children will be fed what their
moms ate.
The followings are some tips about choosing
foods for the new moms.
1. Salmon
This is considered to be the perfect food
for both mother and child. Salmon has DHA which is called as fat.
DHA has an important role in the child’s nervous
system development. In breast milk, there’s an amount of DHA. If moms eat
salmon, babies will be provided a better amount of DHA.

salmon can prevent postpartum depression.
DHA in salmon has some stable effects on
pregnant women’s state of mind. According to research, DHA plays an important
part of preventing postpartum depression.
Caution: Women who breastfeed should eat
salmon twice a week. The reason is to limit the amount of mercury in marine
The amount of mercury in salmon is believed
to be the lowest. There’re some other fishes that have a high level of mercury
like Swordfish, codfish should be avoided.
2. Low-fat milk products
Those products like yogurt, milk, cheese,
and other stuff from milk are good for breastfeeding moms. A part from
providing protein, vitamin B, D, milk products are best sources of calcium.

should keep drinking milk daily while pregnant and breastfeeding.
If you breastfeed, your milk will provide
calcium for the development of your child’s bone. Women should drink at least 3
glasses of milk a day.
3. Lean beef
Lean beef will provide the amount of iron
that women need after giving birth. If the shortage of iron is big, it’ll
effect on the energy for the body activities and make you feel dizzy and not be
able to take care of the infant.
This food is also rich in protein and
vitamin B-12 which both should be added in your daily servings.
4. Beans
In general, beans contain lots of iron,
especially black bean. It’s good for women who do the breastfeeding. They have
an amount of non-fat protein that is very good for diarrhea cases or intestinal
5. Blueberries
Women who breastfeed should drink 2 glasses
of juice a day. The blueberry which has plenty of antioxidants is a wonderful
choice to fulfill your needs.

are good for women after been through labor.
Fresh blueberries will provide you with
vitamins, minerals and quite an amount of carbohydrate to meet women’s energy needs
which are high in that period of time.
6. Brown rice
You expect the increase of carbohydrates
will help you to lose weight better. Well, the fact is losing weight fast can effect
on your lactation and make you quickly feel tired and sluggish.

rice provides you with the necessary amount of calories for the lactation.
7. Orange
Orange is a wonderful food to provide
energy to the new moms. Orange and mandarin are suitable to moms who breastfeed
because at the moment, they need much vitamin C than they did while pregnant.
A glass of orange juice or just a few
segments of the mandarin can help the pregnant to quickly recover
8. Eggs
The egg yolk is a natural source of vitamin
D which is essential for the regeneration of bone density of the mom and the
baby’s bone development. Eggs are able to flexibly respond to the daily protein

egg yolk has lots of vitamin D that is good for the mother’s and child’s bone.
Egg dishes can be easily processed like
boiled eggs, fried eggs and omelet…
9. Bread
Folic acid is important to the baby’s
development in the first stage of pregnancy. At the same time, it’s an
important part of breast milk. Moms need to be fully provided with folic acid
by having an adequate diet.
Breads, grains, noodles that are fibrous
and rich in iron and folic acid will diversify your meals.
10. Leafy
Green leafy vegetables like spinach,
broccoli, have lots of vitamin A and are good for mother and child. Not only
that, they can provide calcium, vitamin C an iron all of which are in natural

has lots of beta-carotene that is good for eyes.
Green-leaf vegetables also contain a great
amount of antioxidants and are good for cardiovascular for its low level of
calories. The stomach can easily absorb fiber, so the digestion is better.
11. Nutritious
After a long night babysitting, a bowl of
breakfast cereal will wake you up. The nutritious cereals provided with
vitamins and essential nutrients can satisfy your daily needs.
12. Water
Moms who do the breastfeeding are in the
risk of hydrating. To make sure that there’s enough energy and milk, you should
drink enough water. It does not mean that you have to drink all the required
glasses of water. The necessary liquid for the body can be provided by juice,
milk, soup…
Moms should be aware of drinks that contain
caffeine, such as coffee and tea; drink 2-3 cup a day or completely get rid of
caffeinated drinks. If caffeine is mixed in mother’s milk, it can make babies
become irritable and have poor sleep.