Some daily habits aren’t good for
babies; however, sometimes you think them normal.
Some daily habits aren’t good for babies;
however, sometimes you think them normal because you consider that they are features
of children. However, children can easily catch diseases because of the reasons
that you think normal.
Your children can catch some following bad
1. Lying and sleeping immediately after eating fully
If children eat fully and sleep after that,
this thing will make their stomach spread bigly. It will pull diaphragm to
block activities of heart. Moreover, lying after meal can increase pressure to
digestive ability of stomach. The amount of food in stomach cannot be digested
completely. As a result, body will be tired and uncomfortable after waking up.
In serious cases, it can lead to stomachache.
Besides, eating too fully will make stomach
well out secreting gastric juice isn’t sufficient and foods that cannot be
digested will be excreted out. Foods that aren’t digested in large intestine
will ferment and as a result, it will produce toxin. This is one of the reasons
that make digestion have problem. This thing will make babies have difficulty
in sleeping and digesting badly.
You shouldn’t let children eat too fully
about 2 hours before sleeping.
You can encourage children have smooth
activities before sleeping. You can encourage children to go out for walk with
you, do some simple exercises, brush teeth, wash face… Time for these activities
is from 15 to 20 minutes and you have to ensure that children go to bed on

shouldn’t let children eat too fully about 2 hours before sleeping.
2. Staying up late
Element that makes children break rule in
preparing to go to bed can be absorbed in watching cartoon film, children take
a noon nap too much and other members in family talk noisily. All of these
things can make children have difficulty in sleeping. According to researching
results, staying up late a lot will make them not get enough sleep. Not getting
enough sleep will bring bad effects for children; it also affects development
and physicality such as:
It makes the risk of obesity to children
increase. A research in USA shows that length of sleep also affects weight of
children. Babies that sleep less 10 hours in a day will have the risk of
obesity with 3 times than those that sleep 12 hours/day. Sleeping less will
increase hormones that stimulate hungry feeling and reduce the amount of
hormones that reduce hungry feeling.
Babies will have difficulty in developing height
if they sleep less. Many experts believe that kind of growing hormone will make
children’s body lengthen. They will become higher in the time from 10p.m to
1a.m of the next day when children sleep deeply most. In the cases that babies
don’t sleep yet or don’t sleep deeply, this hormone cannot operate with all of
power to make babies’ height increase.
You should create for babies the habit of
eating and sleeping on time. All of the things such as eating, sleeping,
playing and studying have to take place regularly in a particular time.
You should practice children to sleep
alone. When you let children sleep, you should sing or tell fairy tale.
Comforting, lulling will help your children have safe feeling and feel secure
to go to bed.
You shouldn’t talk when babies are
sleeping. Babies won’t sleep well if they hear noise. The best way is that you
should create habit to going to bed early with children.

should practice children to sleep alone.
3. Keeping food in mouth
Some babies have habit of keeping food in
their mouth regardless of main or secondary meals. This is very bad habit
because keeping food in mouth for a long time will make enzyme in slaver change
into sugar. The amount of sugar will stick on teeth in a long time, and as a
result, it will create good condition for bacteria break into and make baby’s
teeth decayed.
Moreover, holding food in mouth is also
reason that causes anorexia, so they can be undernourished and their resistance
is weak. As a result, they easily catch diseases.
You should encourage children to eat.
If children concentrate on watching TV
without chewing and swallowing, you need to turn off TV to help them pay
attention to eating and drinking more.
You shouldn’t force children to eat in one
meal. When many children begin to feel full, they are lazy in chewing.
Consequently, you should divide into many meals to make children feel more
If state of holding food lasts, you need to
take children to meet dietitian to be tested and given advice about to have a
suitable diet.

should divide into many meals to make children feel more comfortable.
4. Biting nails, pick nose, rub eyes
Children that are 2 years old don’t let
their hands rest, they are excited with biting nails, picking nose, rubbing
eyes. Clearly, this is bad habit and it is also harmful to children’s health.
Biting nails will make skin around nails be
damaged and it creates chance for bacteria to break into easily. Biting nails
too deeply can make skin around nails bleed. When bacteria appear, area of nail
that children eat is easily infected.
Picking nose: Microbe on nails can make
skin inside nose infected, which will spread flu and cold.
Rubbing eyes: When babies are sleepy or
their eyes are itchy, they often rub their eyes. Using hands to rub eyes will
create condition for bacteria to break into, it can also make iris scratched, and
as a result, it will affect eyesight.
Wash hands regularly and keep nails always
short so that sand won’t adhere. You have to ensure that babies’ hands are
always clean and they don’t have an anything to bite.
You have to teach children how to use
handkerchief tissue instead of using fingers to pick nose and rub eyes.
Children bite their nails, pick nose and
rub eyes because their hands don’t have anything to do. You should let children
be always with their hands with activities that are funny, healthy and useful.