Let’s learn from the Japanese about tips to
develop senses for children from the moment they’re born.
Japanese are known to be distinguished from
other Asian about their innovation which depends on mainly raising.
Educational methods for children under 1
year old: This is the period of time that children have the best learning
ability. We should think about the way to active that ability by children’s
senses. There’re 5 main senses: vision, hearing, touching, tasting and

learn from the Japanese about tips to develop senses for children from the
moment they’re born.
There must be famous world landscapes
around baby’s bed. It’s necessary to put babies in the environment that has a
variety in nuances. On the bookshelf, you should place some colorful toys or
wooden blocks, for example.

also like the black and white mobiles than the colorful ones.
If babies are under 1 month old, you should
let them look at a black and white checkerboard picture in 3 minutes
successively in 1 week. Their concentration ability will be improved from 5
seconds to 60-90 seconds. The ability to highly concentrate of children relates
to their future learning and will be the foundation of learning ability.
The favorite colors of babies are not
bright blue and pink, they are black and white which have 2 clear and sharp
color tones. Babies also like the black and white mobiles than the colorful
Children under 9 months old have an
incomplete visual development so they can’t recognize red, green and yellow. If
babies are bored with the black and white checkered mobile after 6 months,
change it to the horizontal-stripe one or the mobile with smaller black and
white check. And if they still bind it boring looking the mobile, take the
mobile away for a while.

should hang a red, clear and big alphabet in the wall near baby’s bed.
You should stick a red, clear and big
alphabet in the wall near baby’s bed. That will make babies to get used to the
alphabet so that when they grow older, they will find it interesting.
Carry them to the alphabet once a day.
Repeat doing that, babies will be excited every time they come close to the
Next, every day, you should let babies
listen to selective music and listen to it twice a day, in 15 minutes each. The
music should be gentle and at medium level of volume. You have to take notice
of the fact that if babies listen to music in a long period of time, they will
be used to and like the sound of the machine and show no emotion to mother’s

have to take notice of the fact that if babies listen to music in a long period
of time, they will be used to and like the sound of the machine and show no
emotion to mother’s voice.
When letting children listen to music, let
them stand in mother’s knees and let them swing from back to front, following
the beats. Use hand to hold baby’s armpits, lift the babies a little higher so
that their feet don’t touch mother’s knees then lower them till their feet
touch mother’s knees. You can also let babies listen to ballet music.
One important thing is that you need to
talk to babies before they are born. When feeding them, change their diapers,
take them to the bath, you should talk to them gently.
While changing their diapers, you should
hold their hands and feet and speak: “This is hand, hand, hand, hand”, and
repeat it. Or while doing that, showing to them a ball or a doll and speak:
This is a ball, a ball, a ball”; “This is a doll, a doll, a doll”. That is a
way to teach children.
Mrs. Thompson, who is British and of
Japanese descent, is working at UNESCO. She is the founder of language teaching
methods for children from the moment they’re born (the Kal-bitte). She took a
2-week-old baby to the park, let the baby hold a flower and said: “This is a
flower, flower, flower”. She did the same thing with the leaf. She kept doing
that and when the baby was 8 months old, the baby could pronounce exactly the
word “flower” in English. Later, the baby said the word fluently all day.

them hold a thing and repeatedly tell them what it is.
At kindergarten, that baby had an
outstanding achievement comparing to the same-aged. At the age of ten, she was
put in a class that’s equal to her level which is secondary grade. After a
month studying in her new class, she got the highest mark of the class.
When 15, she was good enough to study at
Cambridge University but, she was too young then so she wasn‘t allowed to do
so. At the same time, she was offered to study at other 6 universities in
London and she chose to study about medicine at London University. She has
always had higher achievement than other student in the class. She is 18 years
old now and still studying that university.
We should follow the Mrs. Thompson’s
teaching method take your children to the park, let them hold a flower and say:
“This is a flower, flower, flower.”
Moms should read poem and sing to their
babies with their own voice. You should never let them watch TV. You should
only let them watch TV when they reach 3 years old.