Babies soon have joyful, sad feelings, and show love to their

7-to-12-month-old babies have much
more skills.
At 7 to 12 months old,
babies’ awareness and skills are much more developed. They soon have joyful,
sad feelings, and show love to their parents. They smiles satisfactorily when
getting favorite things or are afraid of strange people and being away from
Besides, this is also
an important stage for parents to plan for stimulating the development of baby’s
brain since according to studies, activities at childhood influence baby’s
intelligence so much.
Let’s discover 7-to-12-month-old babies’ skills
and strategies to play with them effectively.

Babies soon have joyful, sad feelings, and show
love to their parents.
At 7 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Sitting firmly on their
Pulling objects to
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Heading bodies towards
the front or beginning to crawl
Feeling unsafe when
seeing strange people
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Waving hands to say
Adhering to something
to stand up
Thrashing things to one
Starting to be aware of
fixed objects
At 8 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Calling ‘mom’ or
‘grandma’ but not very clearly
Moving objects from one
hand to the other
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Adhering to something
to stand up
Pointing at object to
sign that they want to get it
Looking for hidden objects
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Pushing their bodies to
stand up and toddle
Coordinating both hands
Using facial expression
and hands to imply desired objects
At 9 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Adhering to something
to stand up
Sputtering or managing
to combine syllables
Starting to be aware of
fixed objects
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Adhering to table’s or
chair’s edge and step gradually
Enjoying sucking
fingers or toes
Thrashing things to one
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Enjoying playing
peekaboo or seek and hide
Calling ‘mom’ or
‘grandma’ more accurately
At 10 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Waving hands to say
Holding things flexibly
Crawling well and fast
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Calling ‘mom’ or
‘grandma’ accurately
Using facial expression
and hands to imply desired objects
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Standing up on their
own in a few seconds
Putting toys into the
At 11 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Calling ‘mom’ or
‘grandma’ accurately
Enjoying playing
peekaboo or seek and hide
Standing up on their
own in a few seconds
Crawling fast
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Understanding when
their moms say ‘no’ and understanding 1-syllable or simple sentence
Putting toys into the
box faster
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Saying some other
syllables besides calling ‘mom’ or ‘grandma’
Standing in curved
At 12 months old
Basic skills (all babies
can do)
Master of mimicking
Using facial expression
and hands to imply desired objects
Special skills (half of babies can do)
Managing to walk a few
Saying some other
syllables besides calling ‘mom’ or ‘grandma’
Very special skills (very few babies can do)
Stepping on their own
Using pen to scribble
Being able to say
2-syllable words