The small following tips will help you easily
become your children’s friend, the one that your children always respect and
confide in.
How to make your children always respect
and be obedient to you without applying strict rules on them or becoming an
arbitrary person yourself? The followings tips will help you to be friends with
your children easily, become the ones that your children always respect and
confide in.

to make your children always respect and be obedient to you without applying
strict rules on them or becoming an arbitrary person yourself?
Create a clear schedule for your children
Parents often complain that every time they
ask their children to do something for them they have to wait for the children
but still have the work undone.
To children, if you don’t tell them the bad
results that will come if they don’t do what you ask, they hardly understand or
do the work effectively. Therefore, the best way to solve the problems is to
create a sensible schedule with your children and follow the schedule every
By that, your children will know when they
should take showers, time to eat and play…. You should make it a game as you play
a timer and count the time the children do the activities in the schedule. Children
will be excited playing the game and you no longer have to tell your throat dry
to get your children to have a bath, to eat or collect their toys….

with children is a way to be friends to your children.
Accept your children the way they are
Like other parents, you always want your
children to be obedient and if they aren’t like that, you become upset with
How to solve the situation? Put yourself in
your children’s positions and accept their natures. If you can do it, your
children will tell you about themselves. Then, if you have chances, you can
give them advice or tell them stories about your childhood, ones that suit
their situation, so that they can find the best solution from stories.
Prove yourself assertive person
You put your heart on preparing a favorite
food of your children but they refuse to eat it. To be friendly, you should let
children do what they want, things that aren’t out of control.

them know that no matter how easy and friendly you are, you’re still an assertive
When children don’t want to eat, you need
to explain to them that to be healthy and tall, they need to eat and drink, and
they have to be appreciated to foods because their parents have to work hard
for these. Let them know that no matter how easy and friendly you are, you’re
still an assertive person.
Teach children to control their emotions
The best wish of parents is their children
will be always happy. To achieve this, when your children are young, you have
to talk with your children regularly, teach them how to control their emotion
so that they can do that when they’re angry and find piece in their soul.