Tip 3: Do not try to control your children’s eating so much
No parent wants to ban their children on eating, take away
children’s favorite foods, or shout at children when they bite a chocolate bar.
Doing those things just causes your children to be miserable.
On the other hands, the easiest way to have a healthy family
is to get rid of the root of clashes. You should replace greasy foods to the
mix of fruits. As a mother, you should be the main one who buys and controls
foods in the house.
When shopping, instead of buying snacks and confections, you
can buy low-fat foods; instead of buying carbonated drinks and sugary soda, you
should buy pure fruit juice. Only buy foods that you want your children to eat.
That will help improve the health of your family and save you from being
worried about so many small things about your children.
Do not try to control everything as it only makes your
children more stressed.
Tip 4: Make sleeps become more important

If children don’t
have enough sleep, the changes in hormones and metabolism will increase their
risk of obesity.
Researchers find that sleep lacking closely relates to
putting on weight. If children don’t have enough sleep, the changes in hormones
and metabolism will increase their risk of obesity.
The best way to help a child be healthy is to create them a
habit of going to bed on time, even on weekends. Do not give them exceptions
for Saturday or Sunday because, if you do, it’ll be difficult for children to
wake up soon in Monday morning. Help your children to have gentle sleeps and
get to bed more easily by getting rid of noises around, such as ones from the
TV, cellphones and computers. Explain to children that having enough sleep
helps them have good health and provide them with energy for a day.
Tip 5: Persevere in the healthy nutrition plan

You should be
determined in serving healthy foods to your children.
The most way to help your children and your family maintain
a healthy regimen is perseveringin thenutrition plan. You should take notice of
nutrition specialist’s advice regularly to make sure your plan is still
sensible and effective. If there’s no positive result after a month, you should
consult about it to change the plan. However, the most important thing is that
you have to keep your point of view and the determination to the plan. If
children recognize your indecision, even a little of it, they can lead you to
arguments and push off your will. No coke means no coke, don’t be hesitate, or
your children will start nagging. If you are strict or resolute, your children
will obey your principles in the long term.
To help children grow healthily and completely, it requires
observations and caring from family members. Parents should be models and
motivations of children.