Adults shouldn’t abuse or forbid
children to watch TV.
At present, TV is a popular audiovisual
means in many families. TV brings certain educational effects to children,
helps them study how to speak and count as well as recognize the world around
because its programs are plentiful and channels are diversified. Because many
programs on TV are attractive and diversified, children spend a lot of time to
watch TV. As a result, it will affect eyes, nerve system, process of awareness
and forming personality of children.
TV can have positive effect, limits harmful
effects and stimulates development of children’s intelligence, so parents
shouldn’t abuse or forbid children to watch TV. Parents need to direct children
to watch TV with the most effective way. Parents can apply some following
Make schedule for children to watch TV
Parents should make schedule for children
to watch TV every day. You have to let children know which time they can watch
TV and how long they can watch. As a result, they can form habit of watching TV
regularly and self-conscious spirit. You should let children understand that
besides watching TV, children must spend a lot of time for the main work:
studying and they aren’t allowed to neglect studying. Parents should control
watching TV of children closely and let them watch TV after they finish
homework. Sometimes, parents can consider watching TV as an award to encourage
children to be obedient and have excellent studying result…

should make schedule for children to watch TV every day.
Parents can spend time watching TV with children
Although parents can be busy, they should
spend spare time or night to watch TV with children. While you and your
children watch TV, you can talk with them about social and school problems to
understand them more. You can evaluate and comment some problem on TV with your
children. Parents can check children’s common knowledge from educational
programs that are used for them. If children wonder about problems that they
don’t understand, parents can explain it to them.

should spend spare time or night to watch TV with children.
Choose TV channels that are suitable with children
It’s important for choosing channels and TV
programs for children because not all of programs are useful for children. So
parents should chose programs that are suitable with children’s age and
thinking. If your family has condition, you can use a room and TV that is set
up programs for children.
Do not let children watch TV when they eat
Normally, TV often has a lot of attractive
programs on meals of family, especially film programs. So many families form
habit of taking advantage of eating, drinking and watching TV. But this thing
isn’t good for charging energy and digestive process of everyone in general and
children’s health in particular. Both watching TV and eating will make children
not concentrate on eating and drinking. As a result, it has harmful effect to
stomach. Therefore, your family should give up the attractive but bad habit and
you should let children finish eating and watching TV after that.
Pay attention to other entertaining activities
Nowadays, children, especially children
living in city, have to work less or don’t do any body activities. As a result,
when they are free, they often watch TV. This thing has bad effect to health
and total development of children. So, parents should give chance and encourage
their children to attend other entertaining activities positively such as
walking, going to the park, drawing, visiting relatives, attending sport
activities, visiting museum and historical monument…

should give chance and encourage their children to attend other entertaining
activities positively.