Many parents use mineral water to mix
milk for children and they don’t know whether this thing is harmful or
At present, in the market, there are many
kinds of mineral water. In average, one liter of mineral water contains 11-17
mg of calcium, 95-130 mg of sodium.
Therefore, when some parents bring up
children that are under 1 year old, they often use mineral water to mix milk to
provide minerals for children. But according to nutritious experts, you shouldn’t
do this thing.

experts advise parents not to mix milk with mineral water.
First of all, we need to know that
component of some minerals that are in 100 ml of mother’s milk. You should put
100 ml of kinds of powdered milk mixed from boiled water at 40oC and
a bowel of powder that has enough nutrients (200ml include 20 grams of rice
flour, 20 grams of meat, 20 grams of vegetable, 5 grams of cooking oil, not
flavor salt or fish sauce).
Since then, mothers can calculate the
quantity of mineral that they need to provide for children/day, specifically:
Babies from 0 to 6 months
The average quantity of milk babies in this
age need is 150ml/kg/day. For example, babies that are 4 months old and weigh
6kg will need 900ml of milk/day, babies that are 6 months old and weigh 8kg
will need 1,200ml of milk/day. If babies are breast-fed, 900ml of milk will
provide 306 mg of calcium and 120 mg of sodium. 1,200 ml of milk contains 408
mg of calcium and 180 mg of sodium.

average quantity of milk that babies in this age need is 150ml/kg/day.
The quantity of mineral in the first
formula will be 450 mg of calcium and 180 mg of sodium in 900ml of milk; 600mg
of calcium and 240 mg of sodium in 1,200 ml of milk. According to
recommendation of Ministry of public health, demand about mineral for babies
that are under 6 months in a day is 300 mg of calcium and 120 mg of sodium
Therefore, to adapt their demand, babies need to be breast-fed or use the first
Babies from 6 to 12 months
At this time, babies continue being
breast-fed or drinking 700-800 ml of milk in the second formula and eat 2-4
bowels of flour due to age. In the age of 6-9 months old, babies will be
provided with 544 mg of calcium and 326 mg of sodium if they drink 700 ml of
milk in the second formula and eat 2 bowels of flour that have enough
nutrients. In the period of 9-12 months old, 600 ml of milk and 3 bowels of
flour will provide babies with 492 mg of calcium and 360 mg of sodium.

Many parents don’t know whether using
mineral water to mix milk is harmful or harmless.
To babies that are from 6-12 months old,
demand about calcium and sodium is 400mg of calcium and 200 mg of sodium
(according to recommendation of Ministry of public health, babies will be
provided with enough nutrients from food.)
Hence, if mothers mix milk with mineral
water, lack of calcium can lead to constipation, kidney stone, and high content
of calcium in blood. Moreover, kidney won’t work effectively and it also reduces
absorption of other minerals (Fe, Zn and magnesium). If sodium is redundant, it
will make the body become tired, thirsty. Moreover, cells become dry and if it
lasts, it will lead to high blood pressure…
Moreover, mineral water contains dissolved
solid (310-360mg/liter) that isn’t suitable with baby’s digestive system and
unimproved kidney. To help babies become healthy and develop completely and
help parents save a small sum of money, mothers can mix milk with water that is
boiled and keep cold with 40-50oC instead of buying mineral water to
mix milk.