If you understand clearly the value
of delicious foods which are good for health, you will not be more satisfied
when looking at your babies to discovery joys of eating.
But how to train a kid to prefer fruits to
chips, and never ignore cauliflower and salmon? The short answer is: let start
from now!
Add spices
No research says that we have to let babies
have tedious diets. Once your kids are familiar with bland foods, add herbs
which have light smell and spices into their foods. Grind coriander with
avocado, nutmeg with sweet potato, or cinnamon with apple. Ability of creating
purée is infinite. Toddles may like a little spicy. After the first birthday of
your children, you can begin feeding them most of the foods which your family
usually eats, including red Thai curry.

your kids are familiar with bland foods, add herbs which have light smell.
Help your kids combine with foods
Give your children an avocado and say
“avocado”. Your babies, together with you, is learning and using signs,
remember not to miss subject on foods. Naming foods and giving them signs will
help kids early to recognize these foods. Kids often love things they can
identify. When your babies grow a little, play game “Where is avocado?” If you
ask them “Where’s your nose?” or “Where are your ears?” they will be learnt
about these things; so do foods. You can let them go to the market, plant a
garden, see food pictures. A recent research funds that toddlers will be more
eager to try strange fruits than after hearing their parents to read books
containing these fruits.
Allow babies to come and participate in
If you used to feel to have fault when
allowing your babies to come near stove when you were taking dinner, listen:
that could help your children eat better. They will feel link between you and
foods; they can smell fried garlic, boiling soup, which helps to establish
familiarity with foods. Let allow them to take part in cooking early. You can
let your 6-month-old baby sit on baby chair safely at positions where are safe
and easy to observe while you make foods for it (be sure that all knives have
to keep in another place). In 18 months old, many kids can help to spoon foods,
or stir ingredients in bowl.

babies to come and participate in cooking
Super foods supplement in baby’s diet
One of the main reasons why we want kids to
eat all foods is a diversified diet providing your babies many kinds of
nutrients that are good for health. Here are 3 kinds of the most nutritious foods
that your children should eat but maybe do not agree to try:
It is the source of protein and fat acid
omega-3 which are very good for the development of baby’s brain.
Get acquainted: Purée with small fish which contains low level of mercury, such as
Pollock (you can replace it by another fish that is popular at your place), and
a kind of familiar vegetable as beans. Another choice is salmon and carrot.
Cook a delicious purée including 75% of vegetable and 25% of fish.
Bigger bite: Cut Pollock or salmon into “stick”, cover breadcrumbs and grill.
Fish sticks are delicious, exciting, and obviously very good for health.

is the source of protein and fat acid omega-3 which are very good for the
development of baby’s brain
It provides cellulose, protein, and iron which is an important nutrient for newborn babies and
Get acquainted: Grind
beans with soft rice; these foods provide perfectly protein and all of essential amino acid with enough content.
Bigger bite: Make this mixture is rougher and rougher when kids are familiar with it.
It supplies lots of
nutrients including beta carotene (significant for healthy development of immune system) and folate (a
kind of vitamin B supporting for healthy development of new cells).
Get acquainted: Mix cauliflower with spinach, carrot, asparagus or green beans to make
more delicious and finer purée.
Bigger bite: Steam green cauliflower, green beans or asparagus, add a little
butter or garlic to have more flavored.