10 strategies from the first spoons of feeding assist you to teach your kids how to eat well, and how to
love foods.
If you understand clearly the value of
delicious foods which are good for health, you will not be more satisfied when
looking at your babies to discovery joy of eating. But how to train a kid to
prefer fruits to chips, and never ignore cauliflower and salmon? The short
answer is: let start from now!
Our taste is established very early, in
general in a few years of the beginning of life, especially the first year –
thanks to “advertisements” we receive. We are able to teach kids to recognize
and be interested in many good foods. If missing this opportunity, kids will be
picky eaters, only like their foods, and we will have to struggle to make them
love fruits and vegetables more. Therefore, let catch this early opportunity.
Here are 10 strategies beginning from the first spoons of feeding to help you
teach kids how to eat well and how to love all foods.

babies just don't like baby food. They must eat to grow, right?
Appropriate time for the first feeding
The best time for feeding your kids in the
first time is when they feel the cheeriest and freshest that means in the
morning or right after taking a nap. Be sure that your kids are hungry, not too
hungry, and their elder brothers or elder sisters do not play around in order
to make them distract. You should also turn off TV, and keep your cell phone
in. There are no rules for which foods should feed kids first, they can be
cereals mixed with breast milk or formula milk. Banana and avocado seem easily
transferring foods, but you can also begin with vegetables, or even meat. After
beginning feelings, your babies may savor a few bites. When they turn head
back, shake head, or become neglect; that means they feel enough.
Bombard by diversity
After your babies are familiar with eating,
introduce them new kinds of foods immediately. Some experts advise that you
should feed your babies the same food in a few days to easily find out reason
if they have any bad reactions. Others suggest that you should introduce new
foods for kids every day – and feed them mixture as soon as possible. Some
experts said that using separate foods just teaches your kids to become picky
eaters. Let use familiar foods to introduce new foods; if your kids like
banana, mix it with papaya; if they like apple, grind it with blueberry. You
should find out some funny ways in order to create next new foods for babies.
They can base on 7 colors of rainbow, let think about guava, pumpkin, corn,
green cauliflower, and so on; your babies will be tried many flavors and
Try, try more, and try again
Not success with carrot – let try again a
few days later, and repeat if you feel necessary. Research says that among 4
mothers, there is 1 person giving up after their kids refuse to try a kind of
food in 5 times or less. Research also shows that kids perhaps must spend 15
times trying one new food to accept it. “If you can convince your babies to try
one food only from 6 to 10 times, there is much more opportunity to establish
their love with it. To prove, in completed research, participants are required
to feed their babies a purée with vegetables which they hate in many days in a
row. After about 2 weeks, most of babies become to love this food”. When your
children grow a little, let prepare for period when they do not like eating.
And when your babies state that carrot which was one of their favorite foods
before is “terrible”, change the way you cook such as grilling, stewing with
meat, or steaming.

you want your kids to eat well, you need to have some private tips.
Guide to feed children according to age
Pregnant and newborn period
Let eat! Your babies will taste what you
eat through amniotic fluid and breast milk.
4-6 months old
Begin feeding kids. Signs express your
babies are ready are they can sit independently and catch everything to put
into their mouth.
7 months old
Let them be familiar with rougher foods.
Studies showed that eating purée which is grinded too small exceeding the ninth
month contacts with picky eating condition of babies later.
8-9 months old
Add more finger foods. While practicing
ways to hold items by hands, kids will like using their hands to catch soft
10-11 months old
Feed babies foods with many flavors.
Experts say that if up to 1 year old, your children have not got acquainted
with different favors; they will have tedious taste and be limited when growing

babies foods with many flavors
12-14 months old
You can let kids drink
cow milk (pure milk), as well as honey. Their speed of
growth begins to slow down considerably, so do their appetite. But you will see
your kids like to put everything into their mouth. Use this period when your
babies discovery positively the world around to introduce them new kinds of
15-17 months old
At that time, babies can use spoon better.
18-23 months old
From this time to 3 years old, even the most enthusiastic kids also pass picky
period (Darwin’s Theory of Evolution: this pickiness makes toddlers avoid
eating strange fruits that can be toxic fruits). Let be creative and always
24 months old
It’s time to replace whole milk products by less fat dairy products.