Good tips will help picky children to eat
foods obediently.
The problems caused by eating and diets of
young children really take moms big time to think of. From the foods children
should eat, how to choose and cook foods to fool them to eat, those require
many efforts from mothers.
Picky children always want to eat their
favorite foods and refuse eating foods that looks strange and have strange
taste to them. The following are 5 important steps to help those children to
eat obediently.

problems caused by eating and diets of young children really take moms big time
to think of.
1. Do not cook foods in a same way as always
There’re many women who want to change the
foods they provide to their children but when their children reject the foods,
they never cook the foods again. That is what you shouldn’t do. Children may
don’t like some foods at first. But, you shouldn’t stop feeding them with the
foods until you’ve tried to cook them in every way and your children still don’t
like eating the foods. It’s possible that your children will like the foods

make children eat obediently, you should have good tips.
2. Repeat feeding children new foods
If you served children with carrot porridge
today, you should repeat doing that 2-3 days later. If you wait too long to
serve your children with the carrot porridge again, your attempt to make your
children get used to the food will be crumbled down.
Generally, it takes 7 days or more to make
a picky child to be used to a new food and interested in it. For that reason,
moms should repeat making that food regularly in order to make them used to it.
3. Be creative in increase the attractiveness of new foods

should put more efforts in making and decorating new foods to attract children
at first sight.
Mothers should put more effort in making
and decorating new foods to attract children at first sight. You can make
fruits flower-like, make the cookies look like animal, arrange vegetables like
making the broccoli stand up so that it will look like a tree. Or, moms can
create the interest of eating in children by change the normal eating forms.
For example, you can cut cheese into small pieces and let children eat them
with a toothpick instead of biting the cheese. That will make children
interested in eating.
4. New foods with familiar tastes
Moms must be wonder about new foods with
familiar taste. The tip is simple and effective. Combine the food children like
with new foods: if your children like mayonnaise, you should let them eat new
foods with mayonnaise. Children often just focus on the foods they like.
5. Let children eat your foods
Children often react to the fact they are
making to eat. It’d better if they are voluntary in eating. If you decide to
serve your children a new dish, you should start with cooking it for the whole
family. Let them taste some bite in your dish. If they agree to eat the food in
their own dish, you are successful in making children used to a new food.
The tips are not difficult to do. Mothers
just need spend some time and be a little deft and their children will get used
to new foods easily. Wish you success!