
You should reconsider whether you have the following mistakes when taking care of your children.

The birth of babies is an extreme joy and happiness of parents. We get excited of taking care of the babies and try to give the best things in life. However, as first time being parents, we hardly avoid making mistakes.

Let’s check out the primary popular mistakes.

The birth of babies is an extreme joy and happiness of parents.

The birth of babies is an extreme joy and happiness of parents.

Letting infants sleep the whole night

There’re many parents glad to tell everyone about their children sleep all night. However, that’s not right. Infants sleep a lot, but their bodies need to absorb foods each 2-3 hours for at least 2 first week. Sleeping 8 hours successively can be the sign of severe jaundice. Moreover, sleeping too long can make children face with dehydration. Parents should make sure that their children receive the essential amount of water have feed them each 4 hours at least at night.

So, what’s the appropriate time for children to sleep the whole night? The amount of sleep and sleeping time of infants are various. Therefore, if you found that your children keep gaining weight after the first 2 weeks and still have the ability to sleep in 8 succeeding hours, you can enjoy your full sleep at night without concerning about the responsibility of waking them up.   

Letting infants sleep for too long a time is not really good.

Letting infants sleep for too long a time is not really good.

Feeding children against their wish

There’re many new mothers worrying about the fact that their children keep asking for foods and eat irregularly make children to follow a strict eating schedule from the day born. However, scientists have proved that children are smarter than we thought: they know when they feel hungry and full; feeding children accordingly to their need will better. Therefore, moms should forget about the strict rules about eating times for infants. As long as infants eat each 4 hours, you should let them decide their own eating schedule. 

Cradling when infants are crying is spoiling them

The concepts seem to be right but it’s completely old-fashion. In fact, when children are over 4 years old, they rarely cry unreasonably. If they cry and we don’t comfort them, in the long run, they won’t cry anymore. However, in that case, we leave a hole in their soul.

Cradling and comforting children when they cry will help them know that their parents a stand by them, which helps strengthen the relationships and connections between parents and children.

Neglecting in keeping children’s oral hygiene

It’s never too soon to start taking care of children’s oral hygiene.

It’s never too soon to start taking care of children’s oral hygiene.

Infants don’t have teeth, but it doesn’t mean you can ignore their oral hygiene. It’s never too soon to start taking care of children’s oral hygiene. To children who have formula milk, you should clean their tongue with salted water every day. The white coating on tongue can hurt infants, make them lose appetite and have bad breath.

Letting children listen to music to stimulate their intelligence

Music can make children feel comfortable and make them stop crying but, there’s no research can prove that music can increase children’s intelligence.

In fact, moms should only let infants listen to music in 15 minutes and 3 times a day in maximum.  Listening to music continuously will make children lose the ability to focus on the voice of their mother, which makes them slow to speak and lazy on talking. 

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