Some foods can help you maintain stable blood pressure,
prevent heart diseases.
Stable blood pressure is one of the important steps to
prevent heart diseases and strokes. In addition to medication, you can control
your blood pressure through dietary sources in the daily diet.

The proper diet
helps blood pressure maintain its stableness.
Snack with yogurt
Yogurt helps you to curb hungers and reduce the risk of high
blood pressure to 31%. A piece of research from the American Heart Association
(AHA) revealed that low-fat yogurt can enhance the ability to consume calories
during the day reducing the risk of high blood pressure. Choosing Greek yogurt
daily to increase the proteins in your body helps you maintain the feeling of
fullness and prevent unhealthy meals that is easy to make you gain weight.
Be active with legumes
According to the study by the Archives of Internal Medicine,
eating a bowl of beans or peas, such as chickpeas, lentils, and other legume family
may reduce the risk of heart diseases; improve the blood pressure control (not
mention that they can reduce the risk of diabetes type 2). In the study,
legumes increase 4.5 points on systolic blood pressure (that is a big number)
and reduce the risk of heart disease about 1%.
Sesame oil
Vegetables are the great type of food included in the main
dishes or side dishes. Besides that, you should check your own attar. Instead
of processing vegetable oil, you can mix sesame with rice bran oil to use. It
is an effective mixture to reduce cholesterol levels including LDL cholesterol.
Those who use two spoonfuls of sesame and rice bran oil mixture daily (for
cooking, tossing the salad, etc.) can realize the systolic blood pressure drop
in the average of 16 points and their total cholesterol drop by 18%.
Cold soup
Soup containing tomatoes, cucumbers, garlics, olive oil and
other foods proven is to reduce two points of the systolic blood pressure, 2.6
points of diastolic blood pressure. The specific polyphenol compounds in the
soup, including the chemicals and antioxidant compounds, can regulate the
balance of blood pressure in your body.
Select hot cocoa for breakfast
Instead of coffee, you should start a new day with 2 to 3
spoonfuls of cocoa powder and low fat milk. The cocoa powder can reduce your
blood pressure to 2 or 3 points; flavanol is a natural botanical chemical in
cocoa; it supports blood vessels to function better. When having good blood
circulation, stress is not likely to occur in the activity of the heart as it
releases the pressure in the body and does not make your blood pressure rapidly

Sipping a little
hot cocoa for breakfast is a good way to keep your blood pressure in the stable
Sip fruit juice having rich antioxidants
You can enjoy a glass of blueberry juice without sugar with
low calorie helping reduce systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure
up to 3 points. The antioxidants also help regulate blood pressure; blueberries
can help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Eat purple sweet potatoes
Purple sweet potatoes make systolic blood pressure fall down
3.5%. About 300 calories in 1.5 to 2 cups of purple sweet potatoes a day will
not cause the weight gain. Eating purple potatoes is the best natural medicine
for treating high blood pressure and controlling it.
Reduce the amount of salt in the diet
A diet with 2,200 mg of sodium per day can damage the blood
vessels and increase the risk of developing high blood pressure 21-32%.
Consuming more than 2,200 mg of salt per day may be the cause of 20-40% of the
cases of high blood pressure.
The current diet with the appropriate amount of salt as
- People
under 51 years old without the prehistory of high blood pressure, kidney
diseases or diabetes can use 2.300 mg of sodium per day.
- People
under 51 years old or anyone with the prehistory of high blood pressure, kidney
diseases or diabetes should limit the salt intake about 1,500 mg.
Drink a glass of wine every day
Drinking non-alcoholic red wine will cut about 6 points of
your blood pressure, 2 points from diastolic blood pressure. It helps you
reduce the risk of heart diseases by 14% and strokes by 20%. The polyphenols
decreasing blood pressure are preserved in the red wine better than in the
other types of alcoholic wine.

Drinking a glass
of wine every day is better for your health.
Supplement pomegranates
Before going to the gym or a treadmill, you should eat a
pomegranate. Vitamins C, together with antioxidants in pomegranates are good
for you to maintain your blood pressure, increase the intensity of the
activities to burn more calories