To deal with stress, you need to have some
secrets to release the stress.
Stress is all around, so if you can’t stay
away from it, deal with it. To deal with stress, you need some tips to release

is all around, so if you can’t stay away from it, deal with it.
David Spiegel, Director of the Centre on
Stress and Health of the Stanford University School of Medicine, said that
hypnosis was a high-focus state of mind. If it is used right, hypnosis can refresh
your mind, lower heart rate and reduce muscle tension. Try closing your eyes
and imagine that there’s a stressful scene on your right, for examples, traffic
jams. After that, imagine a solution on your right which may be a new way that
has no traffic jam. The result is that you’ll receive high focus moments which
are similar to the moment you’re attracted by so good a movie that you forget
where you are. You can try doing that for 5 minutes, 3-4 times a day at your
home or any possible places.

it is used right, hypnosis can refresh your mind, lower heart rate and reduce
muscle tension.
Really forgive
Letting go negative thinking can completely
help you release the stress. Charlotte, a psychologist from Hope College, USA,
explained that when you keep remember sad things, the self-regulation can be
weakened; and do not think a about summary forgiveness; a fake hug or thought
won’t be able to fool your brain; let’s replace the anger with understanding
because the calm and forgiveness bring you relaxation while anger will blind
Release yourself by words
Sometimes, chatting with your best friends
for hours about your personal problem can considerably help you to release the
stress, especially that you can be free using the words and tone you want. The
feelings of pouring out your depression and burden on people in whom you
confide and the feelings of being listen to make the pressure fast go away.

can considerably help you to release the stress.
Go shopping
Surfing around the Internet and buy
something that you like can be an efficient way to soothe the stress. It will
be better if you can go out for shopping and directly buy the stuff. Shopping
can be a “life-saving” for you in your most stressful moments, but this kind of
stress releasing can be quite expensive, so you should take notice of your
Look out the window
Most of people who work at buildings find
it stuffy, especially when stressed. There’re many studies proving that people can
be calmer when they’re in natural environment. So, why don’t you open your
windows more often to see the sky and trees?

out the window can be a way to soothe stress.
Take beauty class
Women basically want to look good, so the
best way to forget the stress is doing self-makeup or learn to do so. Watch a
makeup tutorial in TV, magazines, or picture of modals putting on makeup and
dresses will help you reduce stress.
Smile when watching a sad movie
Don’t be afraid of watch a sad movie one
more time, but watch it with a positive and happy attitude. A recent study has showed
that thinking positive when watching a sad movie helps you easily face with the
stress in real life. In that study, stressed women that were showed movies
called “I am Sam” and “Fatal Attraction” brought out the happy endings and good
advice for the characters. Women who did a good job have less depressive sign
than ones who watched it with a negative attitude. Solving other people’s
problem is always easier. The practice will help you gain more experience and
to be more ready to your matter.
Kissing can release stress

or 2 kisses a day can bring stress away.
1 or 2 kisses can help prevent stress.
Kissing makes you feel like sharing and having no loneliness or worries.
According to Alura Berman, a teacher from Northwestern University, women often
react to a kiss by secreting endorphin – a relaxing hormone. Kiss at least once
a day, deeply and in a full-of-love way in about 10 seconds; it doesn’t have to
lead to sex. Basically, the connection to the outside makes you feel more
Do yoga

is proved to be a destroy-stress tool.
Yoga is proved to be an anti-stress tool
which is efficient, but not every yoga positions has the same effects. The
switching-back positions, such as back bends and head lifts, have high
efficiency in stimulating the brain and chilling out. Especially when you do
the back bends, the part that controls relaxation functions for the body and
mind in releasing your body and brain while nervous system will do its best.
Do gentle exercise
Exercising is very good to release stress;
however, women need to take notice of the fact that when the brain is tired,
deep exercises will just make it worse. After a fatiguing day, do some gentle
exercises such as walking, running. Though it can’t help you improve the
measure, it can solve the stress well.