Early morning exercise
Exercising early in the morning can relax you to a degree you cant even imagine. It remove s all stress form the body and mind, and fills you with energy and vigor. You could go for a jog along the tracks or skip or cycle down the path.
Regular baths
Bathing is a very relaxing activity. Water just washes off the days fatigue and stress. In winter hot water bath can do wonders. It will calm every nerve in your body giving you a sense of relief. In summers cool water baths can beat the heat and give you a fresh feeling. Bathe before you sleep, it will enable you to sleep well.
Keep uncluttered and clean surroundings
It is vital that your surroundings are clean. If you keep an untidy home or office it will only lead to a cluttered mind, full of stress. The basic activity of cleaning your surroundings is in itself a relaxation technique. It can make you feel unburdened and free.
Deep breathing

Deep breathing is another relaxation technique. Take a deep breath until you have filled you stomach full of air. Now breathe out right from you diaphragm. Do this repeatedly and see how it relaxes you.
Spend time with family and friends
After a stressful day at work the best stress buster is spending time with your loved ones. Chatting and expressing yourself is in it self a great way to relax. It gets rid of negative emotions filling one with a sense of well being.
Wear comfortable clothes
The classic suit might not be the most, snug attire to wear. But for office you might just have to bear with it. When you are at home or chilling out with friends you can afford to wear comfortable clothes that don’t stifle you. Ill fitted undergarments or footwear can be a real pain, So avoid them. Wear clothes that are well fitted and comfortable.