There are many bad habits in living and
eating which cause stomachic diseases such as stomachache, stomachic ulcers,
and cancer. So, stay away from bad habits as below.

having temperately meal can cause stomachache.
1. Eat before going to bed
Any foods, even the ones which are easy to
digest such as fresh milk, fruits, can damage stomach. Protein in foods will
encourage discharging acids and gastric juice in stomach. The rest of foods
which have not been digested yet will be decomposed and fermented making
flatulent and stomachache.
2. Not have meal temperately
Having much snack and forgetting main meal,
or the fact that time between meals is not stable are reasons for stomachic
ulcers. At stable time, stomach as its habit will discharge acids to digest
foods. If not supplement food promptly, acids will damage stomach and cause
stomach ulcers.
3. Abuse analgesics
We often have habit of using analgesics
even simple pains such as headache, muscle pain, and joint pain, but do not know
that analgesics can beget serious harms for stomach.
All kinds of analgesics have effect on
inhibiting the production of mucosa protecting stomach, bleeding stomach, even
causing ulcers without any symptoms.

not eat before going to bed to prevent stomachic diseases.
Therefore, if pains are not really serious,
you should not abuse analgesics. Only use them with instructions of doctor.
4. Smoke cigarette too much
Tobacco, besides causing injuries for lungs
and respiratory organs, it also leads to severe sequels for stomach. Nicotine
in tobacco can narrow down blood vessels in stomach, injure stomachic mucosa,
and decrease discharge of gastric juice for digesting foods.
5. Eat too fast
Eating too fast causes indigestion because
when foods are loaded in too fast, brain have not receives signal from stomach
yet, and as the result, stomach do not discharge gastric juice promptly and
cause difficulties for digesting foods. Habit of fast eating in long time will
lead to stomachache.