There’re five simple exercises helping you
be active and relaxed.
The busy world must make you stressed all
the time. Stresses mess your life around and decrease life qualities. To ease
the pressure, you should take up some following simple exercises.
1. Meditation

you focus on thinking about something that you like, you’ll be relaxed and feel
Meditate on a carpet with folding legs
Close your eyes and think one thing that makes
you happy. This can be a target of yours. Focus on the thought from 10-15
When you focus on
thinking about something that you like, you’ll be relaxed and feel happier.
2. Eye and head movement
Sit on a carpet with folding legs
Close your eyes and slowly moving the eyeballs
clockwise for 5 times. Repeat doing that but in the other direction for another
5 times.
You can do the same things to your head.
The gentle
exercise will help relax your eye muscles and your necks which are also the
first parts of the body to get stressed.

your eyes and slowly moving the eyeballs clockwise for 5 times.
3. Focus
Sit on a carpet with your legs folded
Cross the arm on the back of the head. Slowly move
your head down to the ground.
The first time doing this will be difficult. You
should try to get the head near to the ground as much as possible till your
archive the target.
When doing the
exercise, your mind can be empty. You can change the exercise to any Yoga
position that you feel comfortable focusing on it.
4. Deep breath
Sit on a carpet, fold the legs and keep the back
Close eyes and take deep breaths. Make sure that
you breathe by the nose.
Increase the speed of the breathing - make it in
one-second cycle.
If your feel the
chores can make you relaxed. You should let the help take a day off while you
spend the time on dish washing and cleaning the house. The chores can help you
get sweated and release your stresses.
5. Exercises for arms and shoulders

simple arm-shoulder exercise will help you escape from stresses.
Stretching the shoulders is an easy way to
Shrug the shoulders up and down. After that, you
can raise the left arm so that it crosses over the chest. Use your right arm to
stretch the other arm. Repeat the exercise on the right arm.
You can stand up and bend your arm on the rear
of the hips to strain up arm muscles. After that, put your arms on the back of
the head and stretch the arms and back. Doing the exercises can help you to be
calmer and more relaxed.